Friendship is an opportunity to feel needed and important for loved ones. In true friendships, there is love, devotion, sensitivity, ease of understanding. If you can boast of such a relationship, be able to cherish and strengthen them.

Step 1
Friendship is built on trust, which is very valuable. If you consider a person your friend, do not be afraid to open your soul a little, especially if he did it first. This means that he treats you especially warmly and considers you one of his close people. Remaining a closed person, you will gradually lose all your friends, and loneliness will become your faithful companion.
Step 2
Know how to listen
Understanding and empathy are important in friendship. Indeed, a true friend wants to be encouraged in a difficult situation or to rejoice at his successes together. Therefore, do not focus exclusively on yourself and do not bother your friends just to chat about yourself throughout the evening. In a conversation, try to conduct a dialogue, ask questions and do not let your friend's remarks go deaf.
Step 3
Be a pillar
Know how to support not only in word, but also in deed. True friends will highly appreciate your willingness to help and will respond in kind in a difficult situation. To develop this quality in yourself, it is helpful from time to time to put yourself in the shoes of a friend. Surely, depending on the situation, you might also need support. Simply put, treat your friends as you would like to be treated.
Step 4
Share your smile
Have you ever noticed that in the company of a positive person, your mood also noticeably improves? But with gloomy people you want to quickly say goodbye and go your own way, right? Try to maintain a cheerful twinkle in your eyes, give smiles and a good mood, and then you will definitely not remain lonely.
Step 5
Keep in touch
In the everyday hustle and bustle of friendships can fade into the background, or even the tenth plan. But routine worries and affairs will always be, but friendship cannot exist on its own. If you don't keep in touch with your friends, over time it will become so thin that it will break unnoticed and cannot be restored.