The husband's mother can treat her daughter-in-law well, or she can be negative. It is necessary to understand what exactly she does not like, to learn to enter into trust so that the relationship is cloudless. Any behavior can be explained, it is only important to find ways to understand everything.

The woman raised her son and always wants him to be happy. But she has her own view of the ideal life, her own ideas about it. If the daughter-in-law does not seem appropriate, the husband's mother may even try to separate the spouses, in this case it is important not to blame her, but to find ways to resolve the situation.
What does the mother-in-law think about?
To understand the behavior of an adult woman, you need to start communicating with her. You can think of a lot of reasons for this, it is important to conduct dialogues like a woman, without the presence of a strong half. At the same time, it is necessary to ask questions about life, how it understands happiness, ideal relationships. Having an understanding of what she wants for her son, you can easily adjust.
You can watch your husband's mother, she behaves as she thinks is right. Pay attention to the little things in everyday life: how she cooks, how she serves, how she cleans the apartment and puts things. It is important to find out the routine, principles of behavior in their family. Something will have to be borrowed and implemented in her apartment, she will definitely like it.
Ask your mother-in-law for advice on various occasions. Of course, you shouldn't be too annoying so as not to seem stupid, but it's worth calling several times a week. She will understand that you listen to her opinion, that it is important to you, what she thinks. Of course, you don't have to follow the advice, but it's important to just show respect and interest.
How to understand the behavior of the husband's mother
If your mother-in-law is acting strange, try to understand her. First, imagine yourself in her place, think about how you will behave if your son gets married. Do it without emotion, just think about what exactly she does not like from the point of view of the mother. You can easily find flaws in your behavior and can eliminate them.
Forgive her anxiety and concern about the child. Especially at first, she will be afraid that something is wrong with her son. She might even check your food or how your shirts are ironed, because she wants the boy to have only the best. So don't give her any reason to hesitate. Notice that she checks, and do exactly what she wants. Usually, after a few months, the checks stop.
Understand that jealousy is always present, this is a natural behavior. Of course, someone shows it, and someone does not, but there is no need to be angry with it. Just try to make friends with this woman, prove by your behavior that you are not taking her son away from her, that you do not want to stop their communication, but, on the contrary, push him to communicate with his parents.
Give the mother-in-law small gifts, flowers. Any woman loves signs of attention, this will allow you to make friends. It is important to just treat with love, with the understanding that it was she who brought up your loved one for you, so there is something to thank her for.