There are many wise phrases, such as: “Measure seven times, cut one off” or “We have - we do not appreciate, when we pull it, we cry”, the whole depth and truthfulness of which becomes clear only after you have parted with your partner and, after a while, began to understand that you still love him and want to be together. If you think that you can still fix the error, then you should try to do it.

Step 1
Consider the situation that led to the end of your relationship. If there are turning points that you can remember without much difficulty - a major fight or an injury that someone has not been able to forgive - then the likelihood of resuming the relationship is quite high. If the gap occurred from scratch, for a combination of reasons, so to speak, then you shouldn't have any special hopes, but it's worth a try. Analyze your relationship and find mistakes that you need to correct and not repeat again if you are going to try again to reconciliation.
Step 2
Find out from mutual acquaintances about your former beloved, show interest, start speaking about him with warmth, sadness and tenderness. Mutual friends often play the role of connecting and transmitting link. If you were really friends in pairs, then they probably did not like your breakup, and they will gladly pass on your words and feedback. He, for sure, will be pleased that you have not forgotten him and remember.
Step 3
Think of some natural reason to call or meet with him. For example, you can make an appointment to give him a forgotten trinket. But it is better to say that someone you know is interested in his professional services and you act as an intermediary. If you try, then such a reason can be found without difficulty. But remember, she needs to be natural and respectful enough.
Step 4
Get ready for the meeting, go to the hairdresser and beautician a couple of days before it, get a good night's sleep to look well-groomed and attractive. Rest assured that any man can be aware of this completely unconsciously. In addition, the consciousness of your own irresistibility will give you confidence and charm. You don't need to dress up too much for a meeting, but it's better to put on new things that he has not yet seen on you and which certainly suit you.
Step 5
When you meet, your behavior and conversation should be calm and friendly. Be neutral and detached, but friendly. Demonstrate a willingness to communicate. When it comes to your shared past, express regret and apologize for your mistakes. Repeat the meeting if necessary. You yourself will understand if there is a chance that your relationship will resume. In accordance with this, and build your further tactical line and act according to circumstances.