Agate Wedding (14 Years Old)

Agate Wedding (14 Years Old)
Agate Wedding (14 Years Old)

14 years of married life is called an agate wedding.

Agate wedding (14 years old)
Agate wedding (14 years old)

14 years of marriage is called an agate wedding anniversary. It is not without reason that this name refers to a beautiful stone that is both amazing and fantastically beautiful, and has many mysterious properties. Agate itself is somewhat reminiscent of the life of the spouses that has flowed during this time and acts in this case as an illustration, a symbol.

Agate is a semi-precious stone that hides something mystical, secrets and mysteries in its depth. Patterns are formed from colored veins that intricately intertwine in the core of the stone - married couples can start the morning of the holiday by studying them. This is reminiscent of fortune-telling on coffee grounds - obscure figures seen in the depths of the agate give rise to a variety of associations, feelings that must be listened to. It is possible that they predict your future happiness and good luck for many, many years.

You can imagine this "fortune-telling" as a kind of test - those married couples who noticed the same images in the stone have already reached mutual understanding at a subconscious, deep level. If the result of fortune-telling is far from this - well, they still have a lot of interesting things to do.

For 14 years lived side by side, spouses, it would seem, can study each other entirely and completely, but according to the testimony of representatives of many of the marital unions, they constantly notice new qualities in their life partner. Just like with agate - the pattern inside the stone seems to be alive and constantly changing. The patterns of the life path of two spouses who have united destinies are also varied. Just like the agate designs, their days are colored in different tones. And just like agate, forming a good marriage is a long and laborious process.

What to give for your 14th wedding anniversary

The best gift would be something made of natural stone - figurines, fountains, and decorative elements that will help bring something new into the interior are suitable - you can accompany such a gift with an appropriate wish. Decorative compositions will help to decorate the walls and give the house a special comfort. Onyx chess symbolizes success and will help maintain prosperity in the family.

Sometimes choosing the right gift can be confusing. The spouses celebrating the 14th anniversary of their life together are supposed to exchange appropriate gifts with each other - agate jewelry, accessories, any products that look worthy for such a long time as 14 years of wedding.

Gifts suitable for women are presented in a variety of options - first of all, these are all kinds of jewelry, hairpins, rings, bracelets, earrings, etc. For a man, you can choose a set of elegant cufflinks, a designer photo frame that will look great on your desktop. A table clock and ashtrays with stone inserts will do, or maybe an author's cup or diary with a decorative cover.

A good option is a gift that the owner can carry with him all the time - according to some sources, agate has a very special energy. It can affect the sharpening of intuition, provide inner peace and smooth out unnecessary emotions, which will allow you to consider many of the difficult life situations in a more collected manner. Agate is also capable of enhancing sexual attractiveness, and for such a period of marriage, this can be a pleasant and important addition.

So, you have to celebrate a significant date - 14 years of the wedding. But you should not rush and invite a bunch of people yet - it is better to save the magnificent celebrations until next year and celebrate the agate anniversary not very loudly, perhaps just in the family circle. By this time, the children are already growing up enough to be able to rejoice for you, and the parents are quite cheerful in order to keep you a wonderful company. An excellent excuse to get together with the whole family, chat and share the warmth of the family hearth.
