How To Teach A Child To Ask For Forgiveness

How To Teach A Child To Ask For Forgiveness
How To Teach A Child To Ask For Forgiveness

Very often you can observe a conflict situation in which a child offends his sister, brother, friend or girlfriend, his mother comes up to sort out the child's quarrel and demands to ask for forgiveness. The child asks, but the situation repeats itself over and over again. What should parents do in this case?

How to teach a child to ask for forgiveness?
How to teach a child to ask for forgiveness?

Most likely, the child did not understand the connection between his act and the parents' demand to ask for forgiveness. Not grasping the logical connection between his act, the resentment of the interlocutor and the requirement of his parents, he will grow up to be an egoist who will not be interested in the feelings and desires of others. Parents should pay special attention to this point.

Only one method will be effective in such a situation - you should explain to the child what he did wrong, why his playmate was offended, upset. Try to choose such words so that the child can put himself in the place of the one offended by him, understand what he did wrong. Only then will it become a necessity for the little person to ask for forgiveness, a signal that he has understood and realized his guilt.

But what cannot be categorically done is to shout at the child, insist without explanation that he should be ashamed and he must urgently ask for forgiveness.

Another important point in this matter: remember that every child strives to be like his parents, to imitate them. Therefore, you should definitely demonstrate to him by example how to behave correctly so that conflicts do not happen, and if necessary, ask for forgiveness. Set the right example for children, admit your mistakes and then everything will be fine!
