Domestic Violence Problem

Domestic Violence Problem
Domestic Violence Problem

As sad as it is to realize, being around people close to your heart can sometimes be quite dangerous. According to statistics, every fourth family is distinguished by the aggressive behavior of all or some of its members.

Domestic violence problem
Domestic violence problem

The phrase “My home is my fortress”, known from an early age, is often revised already at a conscious age, and its meaning leaks away from people who endure humiliation and beatings under their own roof. Who is prone to domestic violence?

Usually these are people with internal mental problems, with low self-esteem, a shattered psyche, who are not subject to their own impulsive manifestations of emotions. As you know, the mood and emotional background directly depend on the work of the brain, thus, family aggression can indicate serious disorders in the nervous system.

There are several types of domestic violence. Psychological coercion, intimidation, threats, blackmail and verbal abuse have become one of the most common. The difference between this type of violence is that it is difficult to detect and does not cause physical damage, replacing it with no less cruel - moral. Often, psychological abuse manifests itself in the relationship between parents and children, as a result of which the child's self-esteem decreases, and there is a basis for the formation of serious mental disorders.

Physical violence involves assault of varying degrees and strength - from substantial beatings to slaps and slaps on the back of the head, which further exacerbate the painfulness of family relationships and provide moral and, often, physical suffering.

Tackling domestic violence is a natural response to a breach of trust, but it is not uncommon for frightened and morally depressed people to be unable to ask for help. Especially for such cases, communities around the world have been created that help a person suffering from previously close people to express themselves. Volunteers, scientists and lawyers around the world urge victims of domestic violence to seek help from human rights organizations that have extensive experience in solving such problems and help humiliated and abused people feel loved and needed again.
