How To Wean A Baby From A Dummy

How To Wean A Baby From A Dummy
How To Wean A Baby From A Dummy

What if my baby doesn't want to stop sucking on the pacifier? How to wean a child from a dummy? Before proceeding with this, decide on the timing: is your child ripe for such an important act, whether this withdrawal will not be a psychological trauma for him. There are several ways to wean your baby from a pacifier.

How to wean a baby from a dummy
How to wean a baby from a dummy
  1. Wait for the child to become conscious enough to begin shortening the time it takes to use the pacifier. For example, arrange with your toddler to only suck on the pacifier before bedtime or after lunch. The main thing is that the child begins to gradually wean himself from addiction.
  2. This method is more radical. Not suitable for all children. Have a special party to celebrate the baby's goodbye to the pacifier. For example, persuade him to deliberately give it to another baby, or throw it away, explaining to the child that he has become too old for her. The main thing, in this case, make it clear to the child that if the pacifier is thrown away, then there will be no return to it. In the event that the baby suffers weaning from a pacifier very hard, it means that he is simply not yet mentally mature and should return the pacifier to him.
  3. If you begin to notice that a child can safely fall asleep without a pacifier and does not remember it until he sees it, then he is already ready to leave it. Do not throw it away right away, but start slowly moving it out of the child's field of vision. Distract his attention with some games or walks, and with a good set of circumstances, in a few weeks he won't even remember about her.
  4. If your child has learned to drink from a cup, then try to give him all drinks only in a cup. So that he completely weaned from drinking from a bottle.
  5. Never invite your child to suck on the pacifier yourself. Psychologists strongly advise against doing this.
  6. Develop children's fine motor skills with all kinds of educational games. Playing with toys, the child will quickly forget about the dummy.

In no case shout at the baby, this will negatively affect his psyche, and the problem will not help solve the problem. It is also not necessary to smear a pacifier with mustard, pepper and other similar substances, such "recipes" can lead to moral injury in a child. Some old people advise to "grind" the pacifier, supposedly it will help wean the baby from an unnecessary habit. In no case should this be done, since the child may unconsciously choke on its particles. Last but not least, never scare your child. Sooner or later he will lose the habit of a dummy, but childhood fears and nerves can remain for life.
