When a child is born, a young mother immediately has many questions about how to feed him, dress him, how to walk with him, bring up, etc. As a rule, any normal woman has a desire to become a good mother for her baby. Trust your heart and you will succeed.

Step 1
For a woman, being a mother means being herself. After all, it was for this that nature was created. Listen to yourself, your inner voice, trusting instincts, and you will learn to understand what exactly your baby is missing. Of course, additional knowledge never hurts. Get information on parenting, child psychology from books and magazines, ask mothers with experience for advice.
Step 2
Try to treat him gently and carefully from the very birth of the child, but at the same time as an equal. Pity him when he cries, hug, talk to him. After all, newborn babies see, feel and hear much more than it was believed until recently.
Step 3
Surround your baby with care, but give him the opportunity to develop, explore the world around him. Say the word "no" as rarely as possible, even if it refers only to things that pose a danger to life and health. When the child grows up a little, allow him, if possible, to make his choice, respect his opinion, but avoid permissiveness. Do not do for him what he can do on his own, but always be ready to help him in difficult times.
Step 4
Don't ignore your child's questions when referring to dad or grandmother. If you do not know the answer, promise to tell your baby about the information he is interested in a little later. But don't forget to keep your promise.
Step 5
Do not compare your child with other children, because all children develop very individually. Remember that reproaches and punishments disrupt the psycho-emotional development of the child. Accept him as he is, love with unconditional love. Do not isolate the baby from your adult life, do everything together, together. So gradually he will acquire valuable life experience. Remember that a lot depends on your mother: by showing care and love, you can raise a healthy talented person.