Willful Child

Willful Child
Willful Child

Fundamental aspects of child behavior education may be such that children may deliberately ignore calls from you, giving them some freedom of choice. It also makes children feel like they are "grown up" in modern society. Situations in which children cannot hear you make them think they are superior to you.

Willful child
Willful child

If your child does not consciously perceive you, pretends, does not answer your questions or refuses to communicate with you, you do not need to pretend that you are cool with him. It is best to try to get in touch with him.

If the child suddenly does not speak to you due to frustration or any other reason, the best thing to do is to ask yourself the question: “What exactly does my son / daughter need now?”. What the child definitely does not need is lectures and lectures, because this only makes everything worse. The child does not need lectures, but support.

Try to avoid any power struggle between children and you. Choose only what is related to the development of the child, family and relationships. In fact, trying not to interfere gives the child freedom of action, which turns a small problem into a big one. This behavior is a losing one, because at a young age, a child is capable of a lot. Consequently, the older the child, the more noticeable ways he has to express his discontent, which are each worse than the other.

As the correct and responsible parent, you must find unique approaches to your child. There are often times when you must insist on your point of view. For example, if guests come to you, and your child does not pay attention to them or does not fulfill simple requests, then you need to remind him of the rules of behavior.
