Parenting is not an easy process during which adults use punishment. Any of the methods have certain consequences. Psychologists identify several main types of punishment.

Open aggression
Influencing children through aggression has been practiced for centuries. Moreover, it can be of different types.
Physical aggression involves corporal punishment. The child is afraid of pain from a blow, he develops a conditioned reflex to the swing of the parent. Such actions always demean the personality of the little family member. It has been proven that children who are systematically subjected to physical punishment are more prone to violence.
There is also verbal aggression. She excludes beating, but the parents punish in this case through reproach and condemnation. The personality of the child is constantly subjected to negative assessment. Children who have experienced this type of parenting for themselves suffer from low self-esteem and increased levels of anxiety.
Raising your voice and expressing anger through shouting is another form of overt aggression. Parental breakdowns contribute to the development of an inferiority complex in the child. In addition, he subsequently loses fear of his elders, ceases to react to them, as he gets used to screaming.
More loyal types of punishment
Restrictions on freedom of movement are one of the most common examples of how parents punish their offspring. Many children are put in a "corner" as punishment, locked in a room, and forbidden to walk. The child is offended by this, feels helpless. His dependence on an adult can play both a positive and a negative role: either he will obey unquestioningly, or he will protest.
Ignoring a child can be more effective than any other method. Children in such a situation feel abandoned, they lose a sense of security. It is important in the application of this type of punishment to show that isolation is caused not by disgust for the child himself, but only by indignation at his act. Only in this case will the educational process be successful.
Punishment based on material benefits has become a practice not so long ago. By depriving the child of sweets or pocket money, you can achieve a result. But do not abuse such parental punishment, otherwise the dominance of adults will become detrimental.
Punishments based on logic
The child must understand the cause-and-effect relationship in order not to continue doing what he is being scolded for. Therefore, it is important to show the logic of your punishment.
For example, one of these ways to convey to children the meaning of their actions is to stir up feelings of guilt. It needs to be initiated with a specific example, telling the offspring about the consequences of the deed. It is important not to overdo it with an emotional description and not to offend the personality of the child, so as not to form in him a negative attitude towards his parents and himself.
The best type of punishment, according to experts, is an explanation. The rationale behind the action forms sensitivity to the results of the action, this morally develops the baby.