You have already tried all conceivable and inconceivable positions of the Kamasutra on the bed. The dining table, hanger and chandelier are also stages passed. Where else can you make love to get new sensations?

In public places
Do not think that this kind of extreme is available only in the hot season. Today and in winter, you can go to warm countries for a couple of weeks, and rest and a mild climate are always conducive to experiments. Seating in nature under a bush is not an everyday activity, and therefore it tickles the nerves and causes very strong emotions in both partners. Of course, in such a case, spontaneity is the main criterion, but you can also prepare a little for extreme sex in a thicket of trees or a park. If the terrain is rugged, and the area is full of branches and stones, it is better to choose a standing position. But in case you decide to make love in the bushes on the beach with soft sand or on thick green grass, you can do it lying down.
Of course, this is not about jumping onto a dining table in a cafe in the presence of hundreds of visitors. However, in search of new sensations, you can try making love where you can easily be caught. For example, in try-on booths in a mall or public toilets. Yes, perhaps this kind of love pleasures may not seem very romantic to someone, but the main thing here is not romance at all, but the spirit of experimentation and adrenaline. Believe me, as soon as you get out of the fitting room, thoughts about what you have done will excite you not a single day!
And not a soul around
While some are aroused by sex in a public place, others are more likely to experience something new where no one is around. In summer, you can go on a savage hike and pitch a tent where only hares and bears walk, or arrange a boat trip to a small, remote island. Nature, birdsong and the feeling of being alone in this world are some of the best aphrodidiacs. By the way, a similar outing can be arranged in winter. Book a house in a tourist town not during the high season, but during the cold season. It may happen that you will be the only guests to several nearby houses. Boring and not interesting? Maybe, but you didn't come to swim! Just imagine: a winter forest, a lonely abandoned house, a fireplace with crackling wood and the two of you - isn't it a dream?
Without leaving home
If the prospect of feeding mosquitoes or getting into a police station for hooliganism makes you nervous, you don't need to leave your house at all. In vain you think that you have tried absolutely everything in your apartment. Unforgettable sensations will be given by sex on the washing machine while it is working, a joint foam bath in complete darkness by candlelight or erotic experiments in the closet. Go for it!