All The Secrets Of Pegging

All The Secrets Of Pegging
All The Secrets Of Pegging

Pegging is a type of heterosexual anal practice in which the main role is played by a woman penetrating a man's anus with a strap-on or dildo. This type of sexual gratification does not apply to homosexuality and is practiced by many heterosexual couples for a variety of sexual intercourse.

All the secrets of pegging
All the secrets of pegging

In the area of the anus, both men and women have a fairly large number of nerve endings, the impact on which can bring sexual pleasure. Quite a large number of women love anal sex precisely because of these pleasant sensations. Since the anus in women and men has the same structure, the stronger sex is also able to receive sexual pleasure from its stimulation. In addition, when pegging in men, the prostate gland is actively stimulated, the pressure on which is also capable of delivering pleasant sensations. It is believed that in men the so-called G-spot is located in the prostate. Therefore, active stimulation of this gland can bring some men to orgasm even without stimulating the penis. It is also worth noting that pegging involves a massage of the prostate gland, which stimulates blood circulation and the release of stagnant prostatic secretions.

The term pegging was coined as a result of an online poll conducted by writer and gay activist Dan Savage.

For women, this type of sexual play, in which they play a dominant role, provides an opportunity, through their own experience, to feel in the place of a man. In addition to these emotions, the fairer sex, when using sex toys of special designs, can also receive thrill sexual sensations. To do this, you can use strapons on straps that stimulate the clitoris during frictions, double dildos, to which you can add Kegel balls for additional stimulation and acuity of sensations. A properly selected strap-on is the key to successful pegging that can delight both partners.

The most common, comfortable and commonly used position in pegging is the doggy style. In this position, the man gets on all fours, his partner is behind him.

The classic missionary position is also quite often used by practicing pegging partners. When using this position, the man lies on his back, the partner is on him. For a more comfortable entrance, the partner can tuck his knees towards his chest or place a pillow under his buttocks.

The third most popular position is the standing pose. A man, resting his hands on a chair or a wall, leaning forward, stands with his back to his partner. This position is convenient because it allows the male partner to masturbate freely, receiving additional sexual pleasure.

Rider pose - the woman lies on her back, the partner from above plays the role of the rider. This position allows the man to control the speed and depth of the frictions.

All of the above positions are considered the most convenient for pegging, but you can use any other positions as long as they are enjoyable.

In non-pornographic cinema, the pegging scene was first shown in the 1970 film Myra Breckinridge.

When practicing pegging, you should follow basic rules of hygiene, protection and injury safety. Short-cut woman's nails, latex gloves, condoms, lubricants, small dildos are guaranteed to help avoid discomfort and injury.
