Sexual pleasure can be obtained in a variety of positions. One of the most popular in the world is the doggy style pose, it is borrowed from animals, while the man is in the back and dominates in the process of performing frictions.

This way of getting pleasure has many names: doggy style, man behind, doggy-style. The first mention of such entertainments in Europe refers to antiquity, then this position was called "the Italian greyhound pose." The name came from a small breed of dogs with legs of different lengths: the front legs seemed much smaller than the hind legs. A woman in such a relationship also often rests on her elbows, and not on her palms, and a man comes up from behind.
In "Kamasutra" more than 10 poses are described based on the doggy style. A slight change in the position of the bodies can give different sensations.
The peculiarity of this way of making love is very deep penetration. This allows both participants to get maximum enjoyment. At the same time, the woman's G-spot is stimulated, which gives a very pleasant sensation. In the process, a man can easily change the angle of penetration, approaching a little closer or moving away further, so the variations in feelings are very large. The movements are performed by two partners, and although it is the man who dominates, the lady needs to maintain a certain pace so that the frictions are harmonious and consistent. There are a lot of variations of the doggy style pose. A woman can lean on her elbows, arching her back; can lie with his chest on the surface, which will give new sensations; resting on the palm opens up a new angle of penetration, which is also appropriate. The lady's legs can be spread wide to the sides, the man will sit in the back between them; but you can also bring the limbs together, then the sensations will be more vivid, since the girth of the partner will be better. The man behind often leans on his knees, but he is also able to participate in the process and squatting or slightly bent legs, it all depends only on physical fitness. Different sensations come from the height of the surface, for example, if a woman is on a bed, a man can stand on the floor.
From a doggy style position, a couple can easily move into a position when the woman is lying on her stomach. But it is more convenient to put a pillow under your thighs.
This position can hardly be called romantic, because partners cannot look into each other's eyes, they cannot kiss. But at the same time, a man can easily reach his partner's clitoris with his hands and give her additional pleasure. For a man, a beautiful view of the partner's body opens up, the back and buttocks look very appetizing. The bodies can touch very close if he bends over to the lady and hugs her, or they can touch only separate parts in order to focus on their feelings. This kind of entertainment is available in almost any circumstance. To implement the pose from behind, special conditions are not needed; it can be embodied anywhere, if the partners decide to try it while standing. In this case, the penetration itself will depend on the angle of inclination of the woman's body, bending the back, you can control the process. But it is important to match the growth of partners, if a man is much taller, he will have to bend his knees. Doggy style can be dangerous if the man is oversized. Sharp movements can injure your partner, so you always need to control the depth of penetration.