A female dynamite can seriously undermine men's self-esteem and self-confidence. She makes many promises, goes with a young man to the cinema and restaurants, demands gifts and expenses, but does not keep her word. Communication with such a girl is a waste of time, money and nerves.

What to do if you get promoted
It is important to be able to determine whether we are talking about the "dynamo" or that you have mixed something up. A simple and classic example: a girl walks with a man to restaurants, allows him to pay for her for a while, but then quietly and imperceptibly disappears, stops picking up the phone and does not get in touch on social networks. The reason, most likely, is that she simply did not like the young man, but she could not or did not want to say about it directly, so as not to offend or offend. In this case, it is very important to analyze your own and her behavior, and during meetings with girls, monitor how they communicate with you. This will help you identify the problem faster and more accurately.
Think: maybe you yourself came up with all the promises that the girl allegedly gave you, while she did not reassure you?
The second widespread variant is when a man makes it quite clear that he “buys” intimacy by going to a restaurant and a movie. In most cases, this behavior does not lead to anything good. If a girl decides to promote just such a man, she will hint at close contact, but at the same time, she will not allow anything more to happen than a light kiss goodbye. The best option is not to try to reduce communication to intimate relationships, not to demand a quick transition to sex from the girl. It is better to let her know that you are ready for a serious relationship, appreciate and respect her.
Finally, it is possible that the girl is simply inexperienced or has had a very unpleasant experience, so she can make a promise and accept gifts, but not let you out of the "friendly zone." If we are talking about just such a "dynamo", perhaps it is worth gradually gaining the girl's trust, trying to become more attractive to her. If all efforts, including conversations, turn out to be useless, the best option is to look for another girl.
How to behave with a girl dynamo
If you are sure that the girl is just using you to receive gifts and have free dinner in restaurants, and this is not the fruit of your fantasies and hurt male pride, change your tactics. Point out that you have no money and start dating on the street or in places where you don’t need to buy anything, like at free trade shows.
So that the girl does not require constant expenses, explain to her that you spent all the money on car repairs or some other needs.
Try to punish the dinamist by confronting her with the fact that everyone in the restaurant pays for themselves. Stop giving her money for a taxi, stop buying cinema and theater tickets. She will soon understand that it is useless to dynamize you, and the situation will be resolved.