Of course, the days when parents chose a wife for men based on financial position and status are long gone. Now the choice of the second half is absolutely free, but this does not mean that this can be taken lightly. The divorce rate in the first 1-3 years after marriage speaks for itself. Therefore, before connecting your life with a woman, think about what kind of wife she will be to you, imagine your life together and only then decide whether to put the cherished stamp in your passport.

Step 1
First, pay attention to her family, especially her relationship with her mother. In the event that a woman is accustomed to coordinating every step with her mother and is still inclined to hide behind her mother's skirt, be prepared for the fact that the state of affairs will not change when you get married. This means that her mother will actively intervene in your family affairs. Remember that all people, both women and men, on a subconscious level strive to create such a family model as their parents had, so find out what kind of relationship was in the family of your chosen one.
Step 2
Observe what the woman is like in the household. It is not even so important how much she is economical now, but how much she is ready to learn everything. If a woman does not know how to cook, then learning is not at all difficult. But if she does not want to study and does not want to do it at all, then difficulties may arise in family life. If you are ready to eat prepared foods and do your own household chores, this, of course, will not be a problem for you.
Step 3
Pay attention to how the woman feels about life. If she is a pessimist prone to depression, imagine that you have to endure these nervous breakdowns quite often. Of course, you can try to change her worldview, but be prepared for the fact that it is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible.
Step 4
Find out how the woman feels about money. Does she know how to spend them? And how to make money? If a woman does not want to work, but loves to manage other people's finances, if a day after the paycheck, her wallet is empty, but there are several branded blouses, be prepared for the fact that you will be perceived as a source of money, and you will be very much in control of the family budget. very hard.
Step 5
Most importantly, find out how a woman treats children. After all, you want a mom.
Step 6
And remember that the main condition is love.