It is natural that, having met a suitable man, a woman wants to be sure of his reliability or decency. Unfortunately, not all representatives of the stronger sex are distinguished by such qualities. There are also windy womanizers. There are several ways to find out at the stage of communication that you are a real womanizer.

Step 1
Pay attention to the topics of your conversation with the man. If you don't touch his life at all, ask some direct questions about the young man's past. The guy is happy and tells about himself in some detail, without hiding - he is a plus. If a man stubbornly avoids answering questions about his personality, take note of this.
Step 2
Analyze the behavior of your new acquaintance. To understand how sincere he is towards you, see if he is trying to please you in everything, if his speeches are too flattering. If a young man does not try to share his life position with you, but only seeks to quickly charm you with his softness and compliance, if he looks into your mouth and never argues, perhaps you are in front of a womanizer.
Step 3
See how quickly your acquaintance is developing. If at the first meeting a man literally threw compliments at you, and at the second he confessed his love, almost certainly in his head he has a plan to seduce the next victim as soon as possible, that is, you. If you do not want to become another tick in the list of womanizer's victories, do not settle for the accelerated development of events.
Step 4
Note how your boyfriend is dressed. If he is wearing the most fashionable and rather expensive suit, if the whole image speaks of a desire to please women, this may be an alarming sign. Lovelace has very specific goals. To achieve them faster, he carefully thinks out the details of his image, hairstyle and perfume. Of course, this does not mean that to build a serious relationship, you should only date unshaven sluts who wear the same pants. But you yourself will see the deliberation with which the womanizer presents himself.
Step 5
Observe how much the young man pays attention to other women. A real ladies' man will pay all his attention to you, but he himself will surreptitiously admire an attractive girl passing by. He simply cannot ignore the beauty and will definitely give himself away.
Step 6
Conclude that a man is not worth your attention, only on the basis of a few signs together. By itself, a single feature may be a simple coincidence. A stylish outfit can define a true fashionista and a creative personality, excessive ardor can be explained by youth and love at first sight, and unwillingness to talk about oneself - by modesty and embarrassment. But if there are a couple of alarm bells, be on the lookout.