Men are believed to be polygamous in nature, so cheating on some of them does not seem like something out of the ordinary. After all, there are so many beautiful women around who beckon, cry, wait. At least any womanizer thinks so.

Step 1
If you are "lucky" to marry a womanizer, and you are not a supporter of the theory of "free relationships", take urgent action. First of all, try to understand what exactly he lacks in the family, why he “goes to the left”. Are you spending a little time with your man or are you stiff in bed? Try to diversify your sex life: for example, you can play some games or arrange striptease and belly dancing.
Step 2
Express your categorically angry attitude towards this kind of adventures, scare him with the possibility of divorce. Try to talk to him quite openly and calmly, explain that you are not satisfied with this relationship. If no arguments work on him, take tougher measures.
Step 3
If he values his reputation and this is important for the company, you can tell yourself, as if by accident, in a private conversation with his secretary or another subordinate that he does not miss a single skirt, and that she may be the next victim of Casanova.
Step 4
Consider the fact that if a womanizer really falls in love, he usually turns into a decent family man. Try to increase his self-esteem, praise him more often, tell him that he is the best, talented, that he has great potential, he was created for great things and it is foolish to waste himself on trifles.
Step 5
Find a hobby for him or give him a membership to a pool or gym. It will be best if you purchase two subscriptions: for him and for yourself, so your womanizer will be under supervision. Do not surround him with a "tight ring", otherwise he will break free and run away from you. But you shouldn't "let go of the leash" too much - there should be a reasonable measure in everything.
Step 6
Do not hide your love, do not try to be an "iron lady" in the family. After all, if a man feels all the openness, warmth and sincerity of your feelings, he simply cannot cheat on you if he truly loves you.
Step 7
Arrange warm family holidays more often, make the whole family a tradition to go on weekends, to exhibitions, make romantic trips abroad together. Do unexpected surprises for the man, do not be selfish in this matter. If the family does not have boredom and constant trials of everyday problems from day to day, a man is unlikely to "go to the left."