For a romantic date, especially the first one, you need to prepare so as not to spoil the impression about yourself. First of all, you need to calm down, then all the fees will take much less time. Whether the date will become pleasant or you do not want to meet with each other anymore, it depends not only on you, but also on your partner, he understands this and worries no less than yours.

Step 1
The purpose of a romantic date is to get two people interested in each other. To do this, you need to get to know the person who came to the meeting with you. And the best way to do this is through a calm conversation. Therefore, do not think only about your appearance, pay attention to thinking over topics for conversation.
Step 2
But first, listen to the person without interrupting, get to know him more. Remember his tastes, his preferences, his plans for the future. Don't ask tactless questions about his salary, housing, or car. This, of course, is important for you, but interest only in material goods will make you selfish in the eyes of a man.
Step 3
Find common interests and topics that you both can spend hours discussing. Ask about the person's hobbies, his favorite music, films. Maybe you both decide to go to the movies on your next date. You must now show yourself as an interesting person who knows how to support any conversation. When talking about your hobbies, try to infect your man with your enthusiasm.
Step 4
When dressing for a date, do not choose too revealing outfits with a miniskirt and a deep neckline. In such a dress, you, of course, will interest the young man, but the meeting may end in conflict. A man will behave too freely, deceived by your appearance. Therefore, put on a romantic dress that will emphasize the dignity of your figure with a high-quality and successful cut, but will do it delicately, and not vulgar.
Step 5
Don't drink a lot of alcohol on your date, and limit yourself to one or two glasses of wine at dinner. You shouldn't lose control of your feelings while you don't know the man you are dating very well.
Step 6
If the young man wants to continue the evening and invites you to visit him, it is better not to do this after the first date, take a closer look at the person. Do not propose and continue the date with you, so as not to bitterly regret it later.