Many made mistakes on the first date, due to excitement and other reasons. What not to do on the first date.

Step 1
A taboo topic on a first date is past relationships. In no case should you mention the former, compare, list the number. The interlocutor will not be interested in listening to how good you were having, or how disgusting you were. On a first date, no one wants to listen to the details of your personal life with other people.
Step 2
Don't start talking about money. Even if you are successful and want to impress. It's best for a guy to show his worth by acting. Invite a girl to an expensive restaurant, make a gift, surprise her with pleasant moments in every possible way. Avoid lengthy monologues about how much you make and how much you can afford everything. A sincere girl, not talking about a millionaire hunter, will be interested first to find out what kind of person you are, what you are capable of and what qualities you have.
Step 3
Excessive flirting is not acceptable on a first date. The girl may think that you have bad intentions, and you asked her out only in the hope of an intimate continuation of the evening. A guy with whom a girl flirts excessively on the first date will appreciate her as a person of easy virtue that can be used for its intended purpose.
Step 4
Eye contact is very important, look each other in the eyes, you should not look away, directing it at anything, just not at the interlocutor, this is a sign that you are nervous, or you are simply not interested in being around the person.
Step 5
Avoid talking on the phone during a date, do not be distracted by sending SMS messages, so you show disrespect and leave an unpleasant impression. On a date, you need to fully devote your attention to the person with whom you are next.
Step 6
It is very important not to get drunk on the first date. Of course, you can afford a little light alcohol, a little wine, one cocktail, but you should not abuse alcohol. The behavior of a drunk person changes dramatically, he becomes more cheeky, arrogant, he can say too much, and the appearance itself leaves much to be desired.
Step 7
Don't sit too long. You should not leave only when all topics for conversation have been exhausted, and one of you begins to glance at your watch. You need to say goodbye on a good note, leave intrigue, innuendo, then it will be easier to make a second date.