Women have actively fought for their rights since the 19th century, having achieved great success in matters of gender equality. But when it comes to paying a restaurant bill, most women are convinced that a man should be generous. Then men are already beginning to fight for equality.

Even 20 years ago, there were practically no questions about who should pay. It was customary for men to look after women, so they took the payment of the restaurant bill on themselves. But time does not stand still, views on various phenomena change, and women have learned to provide themselves well. But why, then, does the question of paying the bill cause heated debate among both sexes?
What do men think about this?
Many men hold traditional views of relationships, so they believe that they should pay the bill at the restaurant. Firstly, it allows them to feel more courageous, secondly, to show gallantry and care, and thirdly, to declare their serious intentions. But every year the proportion of such men decreases, and more and more people adhere to progressive views. Some guys think that since women fought so fiercely for their rights, it would be fair if they pay for themselves in restaurants. Moreover, money has long become a very important and vital resource. And if a lady herself pays her bill in a restaurant, then, firstly, she can declare her independence and financial independence in this way, and secondly, she will prove that she has no mercantile interest.
Some guys are simply afraid that they will not master the bill: “Every time the waiter brings the bill, I worry that I simply will not have enough money,” admits 26-year-old Alexey. - Girls do not always behave modestly in a restaurant, sometimes they order too expensive dishes and drinks. As a result, the amount may turn out to be too unexpected and unaffordable."

What do women think about this?
A survey conducted by an independent psychological journal showed that 57% of women in Russia believe that a man should pay the bill, since it is the representatives of the strong half of humanity who have historically always been the earners and protectors. Paying for lunch or dinner in a restaurant is the act of a real man. So he shows that he is ready to take responsibility for a woman, to take care of her. “If a man asks me to pay for himself, then of course I will,” admits 24-year-old Ksenia. "But this will be our last meeting."
But not all women agree with this position. For many of them, paying for themselves in a restaurant is an opportunity to show their independence and wealth. In addition, there is an expression "who dines a woman, he dances her …", therefore, in order to avoid such misunderstandings, girls prefer separate counting.
Also, girls believe that they may well undertake to pay the bill in full, showing respect for the partner and caring for him, or simply making him happy in this way. “As students, my husband and I often paid according to the principle: who has money,” recalls 28-year-old Elena. - Often one of us was broke, then we paid for each other. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, since there can be different situations in life”.

What does etiquette say about this?
Everything is quite simple here: whoever invited to the restaurant pays. At the same time, it is worth distinguishing between the phrases “let's go to a restaurant” and “I invite you to a restaurant”, because it is the word “invite” that obliges you to pay.
But there is one exception in restaurant etiquette here: if someone ordered expensive alcohol, then it is he who must pay the bill. This is due to the fact that the cost of some alcoholic beverages exceeds the national average wage. Therefore, it will be considered good form if the one who decided to order an expensive drink pays the bill.

How to proceed?
If there is any doubt about who will pay the bill, then it is better to clarify this point with your partner before going to the restaurant. Arguing about paying a bill in front of a waiter is considered bad form.
Do not forget that if the budget is limited, then it is recommended either to postpone the trip to the restaurant until better times, or to choose an institution within your means.
Even if a woman was invited to a restaurant, then you should not go there with an empty wallet. Especially with an unfamiliar partner. And it is advisable not to order food and drinks in a restaurant for an amount greater than what is in your wallet. In this way, a woman will protect herself from embarrassing situations when paying the bill.