People's views on relationships depend on their experience, upbringing, and expectations. In communication with a partner, all the hidden aspects of the personality are manifested, a person opens up and becomes less protected, and a reverent attitude towards his inner world allows him not to hurt him even by accident.

The word "quivering" can literally be interpreted as "exciting". This is a certain shyness in relation to another person, his feelings and experiences. Moreover, shyness is not a synonym for fear, but rather respect for personal space, fear of upsetting. More broadly, a reverent relationship can be understood as caring, some exaltation of the object of love over others. Often, this perception of a partner prevails in the first weeks or months of the relationship, when the so-called "candy-bouquet" period lasts.
As a rule, it is a reverent attitude, and not just tenderness and a desire to take care, that girls call to themselves. Historically, they are considered as a high ideal, a muse, a lady of the heart. This was especially vividly manifested in the days of chivalry, when men dedicated poems and exploits to a beautiful lady, not daring to even touch her. However, no one will tell about the real attitude of the knights to this issue, but diverse historical novels support this topic in this way.
With the advent of equality and the flourishing of feminist movements, the high ideal lost its former positions, but the principle of treating women as a weak and fragile creature, brought up for many years, is still strong. And not only in men's minds. That is why women for so long remember the flowers that were not presented and the door that was not opened in front of them in time: sometimes, though not always, almost everyone wants a reverent attitude.
It is quite logical that the longer the partners communicate, the more they get to know each other, the less in their life together there is a place for mystery and mystery, which is almost a key element of “trepidation”. But at this stage, genuine concern, support, and not trying to compare your partner to others have a similar effect. Anxious relationship - the perception of a partner as an ideal. And this concerns not only the behavior of a man in relation to a woman. The stronger sex needs care and admiration no less.
The element of trepidation in a relationship is almost the same as romance. By diluting their everyday life, unexpectedly making pleasant little things and compliments from a pure heart, you can make the relationship brighter, more harmonious, more interesting. A reverent attitude makes a woman feel like a princess, and a man - a knight. Of course, even in this one should know when to stop so as not to "spoil" the partner, making him an egoist and despot.