You cannot remember that period without tears: he so tenderly held your hand, looked into your eyes, whispered gentle words in your ear. You didn't even have time to think, and he fulfilled all your desires. Flowers, gifts, confessions of eternal love … It seems that an eternity has passed since then. What happened? Where did it all go? And can it be returned?

Step 1
To begin with, let's decide: we will look for an answer to only one eternal question: "What to do?". Moaning about "who is to blame" - for another study. So, the candy-bouquet period is in the distant past, and you are faced with the cold and gray everyday life of coexistence. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, time does not stand still, secondly, both of you have changed, and thirdly, maintaining romantic love is a lot of work. It is much more difficult to work with the category “time” and on the development of personality than on “keeping the fire of passion”. Therefore, we will deal with the latter.
Step 2
Add some firewood. The fuel for the relationship can be: your mystery, self-sufficiency and inner smile. It is banal, but true - every woman must have a mystery. If it is all "in the palm of your hand", then gradually it ceases to be interesting, and therefore, alas, necessary. A self-confident, self-sufficient woman, who is doing well, always arouses admiration and even envy. To stand next to her for happiness, what can we say about more. As for the inner smile, we do not urge you to approach the level of Buddha, but to look at people and things with optimism is in your power.
Step 3
Take shelter from the weather. Winds of change and showers of betrayal can extinguish even the brightest "fire of passion". Your loyalty, foresight and willingness to forgive will help you. Legends are made about female devotion. If you really love, never humiliate him by cheating. Moreover, women always, until old age, remember all their men. Why do you need extra memories? In favor of foresight, the numerous intrigues that men have at parties, where gullible wives let them go, speak in favor of prudence. And the willingness to forgive is a woman's nature. We are so arranged that we can “close our eyes” to big and small mistakes.
Step 4
So, it is in your power to bring back the light streak. To do this, it is enough to sincerely forgive each other, be ready to start a "new life" and again become interesting and desirable, without a discount on the experience of past years.