You have moved to another city or your loved one has left to study in a neighboring region … And now there are thousands of kilometers between you. Well, don't worry, because distance is just a test of your feelings. But how can you survive this difficult period?

Step 1
Maintaining long-distance relationships is much more difficult than normal relationships. In addition to the fact that there is no way to spend time with each other, in such a situation, lovers often show jealousy and fear for the future. Therefore, only joint efforts will help you maintain a harmonious relationship.
Step 2
Today, experiencing love at a distance is not as difficult as in previous years. You can communicate with your loved one both via the Internet and using a mobile phone. But this does not mean that you need to call every 5 minutes and distract your soul mate from work or study. It is better to agree with him in advance about the time when you will call up.
Step 3
When communicating, try to tell your partner about everything that happened during the day. This will give you the feeling that you are there and know everything about each other.
Step 4
You can communicate with your loved one not only with the help of high technologies, but also through regular mail. Send your friend a letter or postcard. This will pleasantly surprise and delight your soul mate.
Step 5
Naturally, when communicating, you will not be able to avoid some disagreements and disputes. After all, it is at a distance that every little thing seems like a big problem. Therefore, when talking, try to restrain emotions, do not show your displeasure or irritation. It is very important in such situations to remain calm and patient. The best thing that will help you quarrel less is understanding and faith in your loved one. If you feel that you cannot contain your emotions, just stop and end the conversation about this topic.
Step 6
At the same time, don't build up your discontent in yourself. Any conflicts must be resolved. Try to channel the argument in a constructive way. This will help make your relationship more sustainable.
Step 7
Talk to your partner about the future together. It is at a distance that perspective is very important, because sooner or later you will start to wonder if you need this relationship.