The first date can be the last if you misbehave. Inexperienced girls often make mistakes that scare off young people. And after the first meeting, they no longer call themselves and do not answer calls and SMS.

Step 1
The most common mistake a girl makes on a first date is being tight. It is quite understandable, since the young beauty is still shy in front of the stronger sex, does not know how to start a conversation, how to answer questions. In this case, simple psycho-training will help. You need to convince yourself that everything will go well. That if you agreed to date, then your partner liked you. And for a woman he is interested in, a man is ready for a lot. Therefore, relax and give the representative of the stronger sex a chance to prove himself. Give him the responsibility for a quality first date and have fun yourself.
Step 2
On the first date, you should not educate your partner about the details of your whole past life. If you lay out all the cards at once, then the next dates will not be needed. There should be a mystery in a woman, so you shouldn't answer a man's questions too frankly. Especially if he is interested in past partners. What was - what was. It is better to talk about abstract topics - travel, work, etc.
Step 3
Give your partner an opportunity to speak, do not chatter incessantly. It is clear that emotions have surged in you, you want to speak out. But perhaps the man also has something to say. If you are attentive to his story, ask a few questions, he will be very grateful to you.
Step 4
Don't rush things. On the first date, there is no need to discuss your future wedding or meeting your parents. With such conversations, you will frighten off even a man in love with you. This behavior says one thing - you are ready to marry the first person you meet. This means that you have some disadvantages. This logical chain will immediately form in a man's head, and he will definitely not call again.
Step 5
After the date, ask to accompany you home. This act will elevate the man in his own eyes. After an interesting evening, he will want to stay with you a little longer. Give him this opportunity. And on the way home, you can make an appointment or call. And he will definitely call if you did everything right.