It is much easier to please a representative of the stronger sex and attract his attention than to fall in love with him and win his heart forever. However, in order to win the heart of a beloved man and successfully get married, it is not at all necessary to be a beauty with a gorgeous figure, spend all days in beauty salons, gyms and sit on the most fashionable diets. A little intelligence, perseverance, affection, cunning and any man will be at your feet.

It is necessary
self-confidence, sense of humor, ability to communicate and cook well
Step 1
First of all, cast aside all your doubts about whether it is worth winning the heart of your beloved man. Forget all fears and feel free to get down to your plans.
Step 2
Watch your appearance. Try to look irresistible always and everywhere. Be beautiful and well-groomed. This is necessary so that your man always pays attention to you, his eyes with love looked only in your direction, and not around.
Step 3
Become mysterious. Let him never know what you are thinking, let him be lost in conjecture. Smile and joke. A smile and a good sense of humor will definitely do the trick.
Step 4
Learn to communicate with your loved one. Become a good conversationalist for him. Listen carefully to everything that he tells you, give reasonable advice and help in solving various problems. Train him to the idea that you are always there and he can count on you in difficult times.
Step 5
Share his hobbies, then you will have common hobbies and will have something to talk about. Show interest when he talks about him. Men love it.
Step 6
Do not forget that you can win the heart of a man in rather trivial ways. Show all your tenderness, gentleness, affection and care.
Step 7
Try to give in more often, let him feel all his importance and authority.
Step 8
Praise your beloved man more often, even if he is wrong or guilty. Never humiliate, especially in the presence of his friends.
Step 9
It's no secret that all men love compliments. Try to subtly emphasize his intelligence, sense of humor and achievements in any area. Compliment his appearance. Let the man feel all your love and sincerity of feelings.
Step 10
Remember that most of the stronger sex love to eat deliciously. Learn to cook well, treat your loved one with something tasty. Pies, borscht and cutlets will perfectly consolidate your relationship at any stage of development.
Step 11
Remember that everyone should have their own space and hobbies. Leave that space for yourself. Meet with your friends more often, communicate with interesting people. Give this opportunity to your loved one.
Step 12
Don't sit in one place and improve all the time. Try to look irreplaceable in the eyes of your man. Prove to him that he will never find anyone better than you.