What To Do For A Child To Become A Fashion Model

What To Do For A Child To Become A Fashion Model
What To Do For A Child To Become A Fashion Model

Even the smallest children can get into the modeling business. Of course, at an early age, the child cannot do it on his own, the parents decide for him.

What to do for a child to become a fashion model
What to do for a child to become a fashion model

Do you and your child need this?

If you want to make a fashion model out of your child, first think about why you need it. If you want to get money and fame thanks to this, keep in mind that the modeling business is very cruel, and very few people achieve good fees and fame in it.

For a child to become a photo model, he should not be afraid of the camera, calmly relate to the increased attention. In any situation, he should behave as naturally and relaxed as possible.

As soon as possible, send your child to a studio (dance, modeling, theater, sports), as this may affect his relevance as a model.

If you are determined to model your child and he or she doesn't mind, go for a portfolio. A good portfolio will help you find work for your child faster. You need to make it in a professional studio, which will require certain costs from you. On average, creating a model portfolio in a studio will cost five to six thousand rubles. If you don't want to spend money, you can try building a portfolio yourself. To do this, you need to take as many photographs of the child “in their natural habitat” as possible and several staged ones. Select several pieces from the entire array, process them in a photo editor on a computer. If you don't have the skill, detailed guides can be found online. But you will spend a lot of time on this. So it's better to contact a professional photo studio. In addition, photographers in such studios have a good idea of what exactly recruiters and agencies want to see in the portfolio of a young model.

Be active

It is better to have a portfolio both in electronic and printed form. It is best to have an electronic portfolio with you on a flash drive and on a tablet, if you have one. This allows you to showcase your child's photos to interested parties at any time.

The portfolio can be personally carried to film studios, modeling agencies, and modeling houses. Along the way, it makes sense to place it on the Internet on specialized sites and wait for responses. Please note that it is rather difficult to get an invitation to a casting or filming via the Internet, since the supply in this market significantly exceeds the demand, personal contact in agencies and model houses gives a lot, at least it is much easier to arrange live tests.

Constantly look for information about ongoing castings and filming, do not be afraid to write letters and call contact numbers, be as active as possible.

Keep in mind that as your child grows, portfolios and information posted on the Internet need to be updated to reflect reality.

Be ready to take your child to auditions and filming at any time. Very often they are held at the most inconvenient times - in the middle of the working day or late at night. Please note that attending auditions is hard work in itself.
