The sling scarf is the most comfortable and versatile of all slings. It is worn on two shoulders and can be used for a long time: from the birth of a baby to the age of 2-3 years. There are many positions in which you can carry the baby, which is why most mothers choose this sling.

Step 1
A sling scarf is a cloth up to 5 meters long and about 50-70 centimeters wide. The width of the sling depends on the type of fabric. If the fabric stretches well, then 50-60 centimeters are enough, and when choosing a sling made of linen or cotton, you should give preference to wider models - 60-70 centimeters.
Step 2
A sling scarf is tied in a certain way around the back and shoulders of an adult, while the baby is in the resulting pocket. Thanks to the crosshairs resulting from tying the sling, the baby is reliably supported and secured.
Step 3
Many women find that wearing a sling scarf is not very comfortable, because unlike a sling with rings, for example, it has long tails. However, difficulties can arise only at first, after a few lessons you will easily master this simple device. Since the sling-scarf is worn over two shoulders and the lower back, it is very easy to carry a baby in it, and the load on the spine is almost imperceptible.
Step 4
A slang scarf can be made into many different designs for carrying a baby. For newborns and babies, a "cradle" is suitable, in which the baby is in a supine position. The baby is very comfortable in it, since the swaying that mom creates when walking is quite physiological. After all, the baby experienced such sensations for nine months, being in his mother's tummy.
Step 5
An older child, whose spine has already grown stronger and who begins to sit on its own, can be carried in sitting positions: on the stomach, on the back or on the hip. In this position, you can even wear 2-3-year-old toddlers.
Step 6
You can wear a sling scarf on any clothing. If it matches your wardrobe in color or texture, it will be the most successful decoration. When choosing a sling, consider your taste preferences and what you will be wearing it with. It is best to get a sling in a neutral tone or one that will work with most of your clothes.