Letting the child go to play on the playground, parents want to be sure that he will not only have a good and useful time, but will also be safe. To do this, it is worthwhile to take a responsible attitude to the choice of coverage for the playground, made in accordance with GOST.

GOST requirements
Requirements for the coverage of playgrounds are listed in GOST. The main criterion presented by this document is safety.
GOST says that the playground must have a safety data sheet. To do this, the entire site, and in particular the coating, must meet several requirements.
There must be no damaged railings, loose swings, concrete curbs, sharp corners on the playing court.
Elements and equipment on the site must be manufactured in accordance with GOST ISO / TO 12100-2 and GOST R ISO / IEC 50, as well as in accordance with the age of the children for whom the playground is intended.
The GOST clearly states: The materials used should not:
- to have a harmful effect on the health of the child and the environment during operation;
- cause thermal burns on contact with baby's skin in climates with very high or very low temperatures.
NOTE Particular attention should be paid to the selection of materials for equipment that will operate in extreme climatic conditions."
It is strictly not allowed:
- the use of polymer flammable materials is not allowed;
- the use of materials, extremely hazardous in terms of toxicity, of combustion products;
- the use of new materials, the properties of which have not been sufficiently studied.
All these requirements fully apply to the coverage of the playground.
Today, there are several types of coatings for playgrounds that can be used in accordance with the requirements of GOST.
Sand is one of the most affordable coatings. The sandy coating is durable. Sand is excellent as a shock-absorbing coating, it perfectly softens the force of an impact, protecting the child from injury.
But sand as a coating also has serious disadvantages.
First, it stains the child's clothes and body.
Secondly, it is a loose material that can get into the eyes, ears, under clothes.
Thirdly, dirt, stones, and other objects dangerous for children get into the sand, and the structure of the sand does not allow them to be seen immediately.
Fourthly, the sand is unhygienic, bacteria can easily multiply in it.
Fifth, sand is inconvenient when cleaning the site, it is difficult to remove garbage from it, and it is even more difficult to disinfect it.

GOST does not prohibit the use of lawn grass as a covering. Grass is a more expensive material than sand, but cheaper to purchase than other coatings.
In favor of such a coating is its environmental friendliness. The grass copes well with its shock-absorbing function. In addition, with good care, it looks aesthetically pleasing, creating an attractive appearance of the site.
However, the disadvantages of the grass cover are enough.
Firstly, the herb is very inconvenient to care for, it requires constant efforts to maintain its appearance. As with sand, it is very difficult to remove rubbish, stones, glass, etc. from grass.
Secondly, the grass is also unhygienic, in addition to bacteria, insects live in the grass, and this is a significant disadvantage when used as a cover for a playground.
Thirdly, the grass is a capricious "material", unfavorable weather conditions, mechanical stress can destroy it, which means that it will be necessary to frequently renew the covering.
Artificial turf
Artificial turf is more expensive than previous coatings. Its price depends on the density, length and color of the pile and ranges from 650 rubles per square meter. In addition to the coating itself, it will be necessary to pay for the substrate (they come from sand, crumb rubber), glue, and other components. Artificial turf is difficult to install on your own, so laying work must also be taken into account.
Artificial turf looks very similar to natural, and even surpasses it in shock-absorbing properties (for this, laying technologies must be followed). In addition, it is easier to maintain and much more durable.
But in order to keep the lawn in good condition, special care is required. Infrequently - once a season, it must be processed using special equipment. It is not cheap and also needs care. Therefore, artificial turf is more suitable for large areas, and not for small courtyards, where its use is too expensive.
Rubber covers
Three types of rubber coatings are most popular in playgrounds.
1. Mulch. It is a fine rubber crumb or shavings. Mulch is a fairly expensive coating. Its price is from a thousand rubles per square meter
Mulch is very durable and practical. It does not rot, it is hygienic, and mold does not multiply in it. In addition, it has high shock-absorbing properties. This is a porous material, so the rate of water drainage is high, which means that the site will always be dry. Moreover, this coating is very wear-resistant and does not need constant costly maintenance.

2. Bulk rubber coating. One of the more expensive coating options is from 1600 to 2500 per square meter
You can find cheaper options on the Internet. but when choosing a cheap option, you need to check the documentation to make sure that the coating meets the requirements of GOST. However, it is worth doing this when buying expensive coatings. It requires special technologies during installation; you will not be able to put it on yourself. This should be taken into account, since in addition to the coverage itself, it will be necessary to pay for the installation work. The self-leveling coating is very aesthetically pleasing; there are many design options. The design will also affect the price: the more colors and more complex the pattern, the more expensive the coating will be.
The seamless coating consists of crumb rubber and polyurethane glue, this composition ensures its durability and safety for children, environmental friendliness, as well as high shock-absorbing properties.
All these advantages are possible only if the installation technology is followed. There must be a solid foundation (laying on crushed stone or sand is possible, but a concrete pad will significantly extend the period of use).

3. Rolled rubber coverings
They are similar in composition to a self-leveling coating. Sold in rolls. They can be used not only for covering playgrounds, but also for stairs and paths. Cost - from 800 rubles per square meter.
In terms of their properties, roll coatings are similar to self-leveling ones. They perform their functions for a long time, without losing their visual appeal, are environmentally friendly, safe. have high shock-absorbing properties. They do not require large repair costs.
When laying, it is necessary to take a very responsible attitude to the observance of all technologies, otherwise the undoubted advantages of the material will be reduced to zero, as well as all the efforts of parents to arrange a safe play area for their children.
Many companies selling artificial turf also offer installation services. This can be convenient, especially when you order both goods and work, serious discounts are possible. But the range of prices is too large, so it may be more profitable to order the coating from one company, and hire specialists for installation in another. The most important thing is that you should not skimp on the safety of children, and therefore, meeting too low a price, you should be on your guard and check all the documentation for the purchased goods.