Any sane person, of course, knows that at school children gain knowledge, prepare for their future adult life. But is it? The knowledge that a person can use in their current daily life is limited to sixth grade.

The information that children receive in high school sometimes has not only highly specialized application, which is not always clear to the average student. Some may think that this question in our headline is rhetorical. Life experience shows that it is not always possible to answer it unambiguously.
The thirst for knowledge, a sincere interest in information in the primary grades is gradually transformed among children into a boring occupation, into an activity that must be engaged only because the alternative to it is punishment. In high school, frequent school attendance is an activity, the end result of which was not expressed in the knowledge gained, but in successfully passed exams, a good grade.
Evaluation from a means of reward, an indicator of academic performance, turns into an end in itself. And here all means are already good: from cramming, the mechanical application of formulas, learned during the paragraph (so that later you could relax a few lessons and not learn anything), successfully combined quotes from critics to cheat sheets and cheat sheets.
Why is this happening? Age problems? I think not. Most children in 6th grade want to start studying physics as soon as possible, and later are eager to start studying chemistry. But even this interest disappears after a few lessons.
It would be more logical to assume that lack of interest is due to misunderstanding. Small, gaps, misunderstandings in elementary school gradually lead to the fact that the assimilation of subjects becomes superficial, or even stops altogether. Hence the reluctance to learn. And reluctance is preceded by various emotions, physiological reactions: dullness, emptiness in the head, criticism, fatigue, etc.