How To Draw A Cockerel

How To Draw A Cockerel
How To Draw A Cockerel

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Drawing with your child is a great way to develop your little one's fine motor skills, creativity and imagination. Introduce him to the animal world - it is rich in different shapes and colors that can be conveyed through a drawing. For example, show your son or daughter a rooster, consider its colorful images. To get started, teach a young artist to draw a bird using a palm or geometric shapes.

How to draw a cockerel
How to draw a cockerel

It is necessary

  • - a sheet for watercolors;
  • - Whatman sheet;
  • - Finger paint;
  • - brush;
  • - pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - colour pencils;
  • - optional: coloring, image of a rooster.


Step 1

Introduce your baby to finger paints. They will help you draw a rooster if the motor skills of children's hands are not yet sufficiently developed for drawing geometric shapes, smooth lines. Try mixing ink for variegated prints first. Have the child smear his fingers with multi-colored paints, add drops of other colors to the main tone, and put “stamps” on a piece of Whatman paper.

Step 2

Ask a young artist to apply red paint to his thumb and palm. In the image of a rooster, you can see: its feathers are brown, orange, blue, green. Accordingly, grease the children's index finger with brown paint, the middle one with orange paint, etc.

Step 3

To add variegation to the future rooster tail, drop on orange - brown, on blue - green; continue experimenting with the palette.

Step 4

Make a print of a child's painted palm on paper. To do this, you need to spread your fingers: the thumb is the neck and head of the cock, so it should be placed vertically. The rest of the fingers are fanned (bird's tail).

Step 5

Help your child finish drawing small details. Let him dip the tip of his finger in red paint and apply it three times to the cock's head - it’s a comb. Another print at the bottom is a beard. Draw paws, spurs and eyes with a brush.

Step 6

Please note: if your rooster is too fat, try another drawing. When doing this, do not paint over the center of the palm.

Step 7

The next step-by-step drawing will require the child to be able to confidently draw smooth lines and draw an oval. Before starting work, it is recommended to buy a coloring book with the image of pets and birds or print the desired image on the Internet. Advise your child how to color the rooster with colored pencils.

Step 8

Take a thick sheet for watercolor - it is thick enough, therefore, it is resistant to the effects of the eraser. Perhaps a novice artist will have to erase bad touches. First, you need to draw two ovals: a large one in the center of the sheet (the body of a rooster) and a small one on top (head).

Step 9

If you connect the ovals with two smooth lines, you get a bird's neck. The tail can be drawn as multiple curved lines; the wing is half an oval and feathers. If the child has coped with the basis of the drawing, it will not be difficult for him to paint on a comb, beard, beak and paws with spurs with a pencil.

Step 10

Together with the baby, outline the drawing with a simple pencil, and then you can start coloring the image with colored pencils. Decide in advance on the main color of each part and make a couple of strokes on them.

Step 11

Draw fairly large strokes in one direction to resemble the feathers of a rooster. Have the child apply light pressure to the pencil. First, one, light and dim, layer of strokes is applied, then new layers are put on it. Over time, a young artist will be able to master a more complex technique for drawing objects of the animal world.
