After the death of a close relative, questions arise, of which the most common are the law and procedure for obtaining property, the timing, methods and possibilities of accepting an inheritance. Many people make mistakes when concluding documents or do nothing at all to regulate inheritance. What factors are the most important in this matter, and how to avoid oversight in paperwork? Can an inheritance be passed on to one of the children?

Step 1
First of all, contact a notary who has the authority to open an inheritance case. Next, you should decide on the possible heirs who have the right to inherit. Remember that according to the will left, the property is received by the specified heirs of the testator (this is mentioned in the legislation). Also, according to the law, there are heirs who have the right to receive their share regardless of the will: these are the children of the testator, who at the time of death were incapacitated; also conceived before his death; minors; minors; disabled parents; disabled spouse.
Step 2
Make a will on your own, if it is absent, or the heirs mentioned in the will give up the property, then by law the inheritance goes directly to the direct heirs: children, spouses, parents in equal shares.
Step 3
Tell the future heir that after your death he must record an application for further ownership of the property, this will be the fact of its acceptance, as well as the fact of living with the deceased at the time of opening the inheritance. You need to do this with a notary. Minors or incapacitated subjects are considered to have accepted the inheritance even without submitting this document.
Step 4
Warn the future heir that the paperwork for the property received begins only six months after death. During this time, you can think over your decision and give up the property. Minor children can give up property only with the consent of the guardianship authorities.
Step 5
Draw up documents with one notary. In the future, the inheritance case will also be considered by this representative. It is forbidden to open an inheritance case from several legal entities.
Step 6
When making a will for one child, do not forget about other heirs. Estimate how much they need your property. Psychological factor, moral trauma is possible if you deprive someone of your loved ones.