A "cold" on a child's lips is nothing more than a manifestation of the herpes simplex virus. However, often the lips are not limited to: the symptoms of herpes can affect the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes and genitals. Moreover, the etiology of diseases such as chickenpox, meningitis and encephalitis is also associated with this virus.

Step 1
Do not try to find a miracle vaccine for herpes - it does not yet exist, unfortunately. As there are no effective methods of treatment for this insidious disease. Herpes can only be muted, "preserved" for a while. Accept that once your baby has herpes, it will stay with him for life. At least until immunologists and virologists finally find a remedy to help cope with this disease.
Step 2
In order to prevent the onset of the disease, adhere to the rules of personal hygiene when feeding, bathing and playing with your child. Do not let your family and friends even approach your baby during herpes recurrence (and the vast majority of adults have this virus). If you notice symptoms of herpes in yourself, communicate with your baby only by thoroughly washing your hands and putting on a gauze bandage. It has been proven that infection can also occur through airborne droplets.
Step 3
To prevent the onset of symptoms of infection with primary herpes, do not let the child overheat or hypothermia, give him vitamins (in the form of syrups and pills, and in "natural" form). Children from one year old can be given a tincture of Eleutherococcus - 1 drop for each year of age as a general tonic.
Step 4
If the baby is naughty for an unknown reason, carefully look if he has rashes on his face or body, and take the necessary measures in consultation with a specialist. If the child has already learned to speak and complains that his lips, eyes or perineum are itchy, also see a doctor immediately.
Step 5
Get acyclovir (tablets), Zovirax (the same acyclovir, but in the form of a cream) and other medicines as prescribed by your pediatrician. Read the instructions carefully, as drugs that help with herpes have quite a few side effects (nausea, diarrhea, headache, convulsions and even coma). Nevertheless, children under 2 years of age are shown to use them: 2, 5 tablets, divided into 5 doses during the day (acyclovir) or 0.5 tape of cream ("Zovirax") squeezed out of a tube (4 times a day). These medicines should be given within 5 days.
Step 6
Consult with a specialist about herbal preparations, which, in combination with other drugs, can also be given to your baby little by little. However, it is especially useful during the manifestations of the herpes virus, the juice of aloe or Kalanchoe, which can be lubricated with sponges or even given a little to drink. Dosage: up to a year - 2.5 ml of juice, from 1 to 3 - 5 ml, from 3 to 6 - 10 ml, from 6 to 9 - 15 ml, from 9 to 12 - 15-30 ml, and from 12 - 30 - 50 ml.
Step 7
If the illness is severe, the child suffocates and / or has a high fever, call an ambulance and request immediate hospitalization.