Young parents are often afraid to touch their child, take it in their arms, worry that they may harm him. But do not be so nervous, nature provides all the necessary protection mechanisms. Handle it gently and gently, no more is required of you. Just read some of the rules, and soon you will feel confident holding your child in your arms.

Step 1
Forget the rush. When handling an infant, the main rule should be leisurely. The child will be intimidated by any sudden movements, so try not to cause unnecessary stress. When lifting the baby from the crib, gently pick it up from below. First, place your hands under the back and give him a couple of seconds to feel new support. Likewise, when placing the baby, do not take your hands off him, but allow time for the feeling of the crib. Do not lift your child by the arms or armpits.
Step 2
Hold your baby confidently. Taking the baby in your arms, adhere to the following position: the child's body should sit comfortably on the arm, the head rests on the inner side of the elbow of the same arm. Support its legs with your other hand. Please note that the head must be maintained at all times. Newborns are unable to support it on their own, as well as use muscles to control their body. Therefore, it is important to hold them confidently and firmly.
Step 3
You can also hold the child with one hand. The main thing is that the baby feels comfortable, and you provide him with complete safety. Use your free hand only when necessary (during feeding or cooking), in all other cases, try to still hold your child with it.
Step 4
There are several positions of the baby in the mother's arms. In addition to the above, you can hold it in a "column" - vertically, the head on the shoulder. Slowly lift the baby, rest your head on your shoulder, hold it with one hand along with the neck, and the other with the lower body. The hand holding the head lies along the body and supports the spine. Another position is in front of the chest, facing forward. Press the baby's back against your chest, holding it under your breast with your hand. Bend his legs and hold his thigh with your other hand. Do not sit the newborn on your hand - his body is not able to withstand the load.