Toxicosis is mistakenly considered an easy and harmless pregnancy companion. Doctors, and even pregnant women, do not always have an understanding that it is necessary to take serious measures against toxicosis so that it does not develop into exhaustion and the threat of termination of pregnancy.

It is necessary
- Consultation with an experienced gynecologist.
- Qualified medical care, hospitalization.
Step 1
Toxicosis is very insidious in that the deterioration of health occurs gradually and imperceptibly. At first you feel nauseous in the morning, then malaise may visit you in the evening, later vomiting and a general aversion to food will be added. Pregnant women often hear that this is a variant of the norm, do not pay attention. So, what is not the norm, what symptoms should be alarming. If during toxicosis there is a sharp decrease in food intake, if there is a rapid weight loss, if weakness and dizziness are added, and vomiting does not stop, you need to sound the alarm.
Step 2
If you get worse, you need to see a doctor. A qualified specialist will understand you and help you overcome toxicosis. Force yourself to eat, even by force. Choose any product (not necessarily healthy) that your body can take. Remember, you just need to eat, little by little, in small portions. Doctors do not often say that changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy can have a negative effect on the functioning of the pancreas. If your toxicosis is caused by these reasons, get ready to follow a strict diet: eat boiled and stewed, steamed, low-fat, exclude salty and spicy, remove fresh bread from the menu.
Step 3
Do not be intimidated by the dreaded word "hospital". Firstly, now there is an opportunity not to go to the hospital, but to visit the day hospital. You can come to the hospital or clinic, have procedures (most likely, it will be a dropper with saline solution) and go home. Even if there is no day hospital in your city, and you need to be treated, you need to go to the hospital. Toxicosis can lead to a weakening of the body, a malfunction in metabolism, loss of strength and ultimately harm the child, causing the threat of interruption.