Children often get sick, especially those who go to kindergarten. But treating children with pills is not recommended, especially without consulting a pediatrician. Warming up will not harm, which can defeat a disease that has just begun and prevent it from developing into a serious illness. Also, the thermal effect on the body cures coughs and runny nose well. Before warming up the baby, you need to make sure that his body temperature is not increased, and only then proceed to the procedures.

Step 1
Pour hot water into a basin, its temperature should be about 40-45 degrees. It can be slightly higher, but still not boiling water. If your baby's skin is insensitive, add a little mustard powder, about 1 tablespoon. for 5 liters of water. Let the child hold his feet in the basin, and as the water cools down, gently add boiling water. During the procedure, it is better to wrap the baby with a blanket so that the warming process is faster and better. After 30 minutes, dry your feet, put on your baby's wool socks and put him in bed under a warm blanket. It is better to carry out warming procedures before bedtime.
Step 2
Warming up with mustard plasters is used as a means of fighting cough. Take mustard plasters and soak them in warm water. Place it on the baby's back and breast and cover with cellophane on top. Cover the baby with a blanket for a stronger effect. After 5-15 minutes, remove the mustard plasters and wipe the skin with a damp towel. If there is severe redness or burning sensation, lubricate your child's skin with olive oil or any baby cream.
Step 3
Warming ointments with essential oils or turpentine are also used to treat babies. Buy any ointment that is suitable for your child's age. Spread on your back, chest and heels. Dress the child warmly and put him in bed. To enhance the effect, give tea with raspberry jam or any warm berry juice. It is not necessary to wash off the ointment right away, this can be done later when you bathe your baby. This method can be used even if the child has a high fever.
Step 4
The bath has a good warming effect. If the child does not have a fever, take him to the steam room, and add a little fir oil to the heater. Warm up the baby for 7-15 minutes, but no more. Children don't have much blood and can overheat. After the bath, provide your baby with plenty of warm drinks.