Proper care is the key to the health of the baby. In summer, overheating should not be allowed, in winter - hypothermia. But if the weather is too harsh, and the heating in the house is weak, it is necessary to warm the child using one of the proven methods.

Step 1
The first step is to find out if the child is really cold. To do this, you need to touch his chest and folds under the knees. If they are warm, no additional warming measures need to be taken, as overheating can be even more dangerous than hypothermia.
Step 2
To warm the baby in a cold room, the mother can take off her clothes and herself, and simply put the baby to her stomach, covered with a blanket. You can also bathe the baby in water of 37-38 degrees, and then wrap it with a woolen cloth.
Step 3
Sometimes simple measures are not enough. For example, rewarming premature babies at home will take more time and effort. It is recommended to use three heating pads at the same time, filled with hot water 60-65 ° C. Before screwing the plugs, let the air out of them. To do this, holding the heating pad vertically, you need to gently squeeze its sides until water splashes.
Step 4
Warming premature babies is carried out as follows. The child is placed under a blanket, wrapped in a preheated diaper. Two heating pads fit on the sides, one in the legs. Once an hour, the water is changed, and the baby's body temperature is also measured, making sure that it does not overheat.
Step 5
To warm up a child on the street, it is necessary to apply a special inverse emulsion to open areas of the body before leaving the house. This product forms a protective oily film on the skin, preventing frostbite. Such funds must be washed off immediately after entering the premises.
Step 6
To warm the legs during an exacerbation of colds, you can use turpentine ointment. It is better to consult a doctor before using it.
Step 7
You can prevent hypothermia on the street with the help of mustard. You need to pour the powder into the child's socks, putting plastic bags on top of them. The mustard will keep the legs warm and the plastic will keep the legs dry.
Step 8
If hypothermia still occurs, you need to quickly warm up the child after the street. Having stripped the baby naked, you need to place him in warm, but not hot water. 35 ° C will be enough. Excessive temperatures can damage tissues and small blood vessels. An indicator that the child has warmed up will be the pinking of the skin.
Step 9
When there is no access to the bath, you can gently rub the baby's skin with a natural woolen cloth. The massage should be started at the fingertips, moving carefully from the bottom up. You cannot press hard, or rub the body.
Step 10
A warm drink will help keep your baby warm after the street. For babies, it can be milk, and for older children, tea with honey or jam.