Intelligence is the child's ability to learn about the world around him, the ability to memorize and make certain conclusions. To develop a child's intellect means to develop his cognitive abilities: memory, thinking, perception. The main activity of a preschooler is a game that contributes to the all-round development of the child's intellect. It is in the play situation that the child uses object and role substitutions (a chair turns into a machine, a tower is built from blocks).

Step 1
When to start with your child? How to develop the intelligence of a child? Such questions are always of concern to young parents. The answer is simple - start from the very birth of your baby.
Step 2
A newborn child begins to perceive the world through our relationship to it. At this stage of development, the baby needs attention, affection and love.
Step 3
Talk to your growing baby constantly. Pronounce the words clearly and distinctly. Name him the objects that surround him. Explain the various phenomena that are happening around you. Explain your actions. The child begins to cognize the surrounding reality.
Step 4
Show colorful toys. At the same time, name what color they are. The child will learn to distinguish colors. Look at bright pictures with him, encourage any cognitive interest, talk about everything that your baby's gaze stops on.
A one-year-old baby knows the names of many objects, parts of his body.
Step 5
By the age of three, you can start developing your mental abilities. Buy an alphabet set consisting of cards of letters, words, characters.
Step 6
Start with pictures, showing, name what or who is depicted on it. The child will remember the pictures, then lay the pictures face down. Ask to find the one on which, for example, a bunny. The kid will complete the task by comparing the image captured by the mind with the picture.
Step 7
Next, move on to learning words. Reading is out of the question. The child is able to remember the whole word. While you studied the drawings with him, the kid memorized a card with a designated letter and word.
Step 8
Cover the image with your hand, ask to name the character. The child will rarely make mistakes and over time will fully voice the whole word, along the way will know with which letter it begins.
Step 9
Do not forget that it is possible to develop a child's intellect at preschool age only in a playful way. If you notice that he is distracted, switch to another activity. Play outdoor games.