American psychologists, neuroscientists and pediatricians at Wayne University in Detroit have conducted a number of studies that help to understand the mechanisms of formation of children's intelligence.

In one experiment, scientists asked pregnant women to name the age at which, in their opinion, children begin to become aware of the surrounding reality. Basically, a later period was called 2-3 months, and only 13% of expectant mothers believed that the child begins to perceive the world from birth. After the birth of the babies, the families participating in the survey were followed up throughout the year. And, although newborn children practically did not differ from each other, by the year the level of psychomotor and intellectual development began to differ significantly. The highest level was reached by those children whose mothers were confident in their early development.
What explains this fact? Quite simply, such mothers knew more about the capabilities of the child and therefore were much more responsive verbally and emotionally. They worked more with children, talked, selected age-appropriate play material and stimulating exercises, allowed them to explore the world around them.
It is important, in addition to confidence in the early development of your baby, to enrich your diet with fish and seafood dishes. Scientists have shown that food containing omega-3 acids, which are rich in fish, positively affects the development of the baby's brain, and also helps prevent postpartum depression. Many expectant mothers completely exclude seafood from their menu, fearing the risk of damage to the brain of the child by mercury compounds, which accumulate in large quantities in fish. Project leader Dr. Cohen notes that only large fish, such as swordfish, should be eliminated from the diet. But it is useful to diversify your menu with cod, tuna and shrimp.
That is why the baby will be the smartest if the mother begins to communicate with him and develop him from the cradle, or better even when he is still in the womb.