Only after a certain period of time (often quite long) do we understand what qualities a successful person should have. And all efforts are aimed at making children the most demanded, intelligent and well-mannered people.

Only for the sake of this, the child is taken to numerous circles, which, according to the parents' plan, will help develop his mental abilities and reveal his potential in the creative sphere. However, you should first pay attention to the capabilities of the child himself, take into account his abilities, as well as objections and wishes. Health is also a significant factor when choosing a mug. A child who has vision problems should certainly not be sent to an embroidery group.
The temperament of the child also plays an important role when visiting additional circles and sections: the choleric person will certainly not like chess or checkers, the melancholic will not like football. Initially, you need to look at the child. A restless child will be able to learn concentration while playing chess, football can develop a quick reaction in a slow child.
As a rule, classes for preschool children and for children of elementary grades are directed in nature and solve certain problems (development of motor skills, acquisition of communication skills, and so on). But the circles attended are unlikely to affect the future professional choice of the child. If your kid is gifted and has, for example, a unique voice or hearing, then it is still worth sending him to a music school. This can be a start in a musical career.
If the child is still weakly expressed inclinations to some kind of activity, then direct efforts to emotional development, which will help him become open, sociable, optimistic. These qualities will help a young creature to become a successful person.
It is important to have a high level of emotional intelligence in the age of communication, to have the ability to control and understand your own feelings. The development of a child's intellect on an emotional level occurs in any type of activity where communication is present (for example, group courses in the study of foreign languages, sports clubs, etc.).
One-to-one lessons (for example, with a tutor) can be fruitful at a quality level. They will be useful to a child at a later age, when he will be in high school. At this age, a man is already able to independently choose directions in the creative and intellectual areas that interest him most.