Your newborn baby is a great miracle. However, this miracle has delicate and irritable skin, fragile cartilages and a sensitive digestive system. All internal organs of the baby are still tender and elastic. It will take a long time before he fully adapts to life in this new world.

You have to take care of a newborn, not an easy task. Of course, you will be taught, told and prompted, and, nevertheless, you can master most of the nuances only in practice. It is important to learn how to maintain the hygiene of the baby, feed him correctly and swaddle him correctly.
Mom becomes the center of every child's life. Until the age of one year, he will be completely attached to you. The child needs almost constant tactile contact. Until he perceives colors, shapes and sounds, the only thing that keeps him calm is his skin and smell and his parents.
You will begin to truly care for your newborn in a couple of days. By this time, his body fully adapts to the new habitat, the intestines get rid of meconium (your baby's first stool), and the body will ask for food. The baby needs to be breastfed. It is simply necessary to do it during this period after birth. To do this, you can express milk, or feed directly from the breast. Remember that your baby may not be able to handle the full volume of milk, and then you will have to express. Otherwise, the milk will stagnate, which threatens you and your baby with troubles.
Newborns can only handle liquid food, so milk is ideal. It happens that a woman in labor cannot satisfy the baby's appetites, then and only then is feeding necessary. The growth period of the baby should take place in satiety. Lack of any element can cause irreversible consequences and changes in the baby's body and the biochemistry of his body fluids.
Feeding your baby is the main task in the matter of his normal development. This task will completely fall on your shoulders, and you must cope with it. Health to you and your child.