This question is asked by all mothers, it is especially acute for those who have become a mother for the first time. At what age is it necessary to introduce the baby to this subject for the first time, how to do it correctly and quickly? Some parents think that it is better to start acquaintance with the "toilet" before the baby is one year old, others prefer to do it after twelve months.

In any case, before showing your child the pot, objectively assess his psychological development. Psychologically, parents themselves need to prepare themselves for the fact that this process will certainly take more than one week or even a month. At the very beginning of potty training, kids do not understand for what purpose they take off their panties and put them on an unfamiliar object. Mom or dad should never yell or scold a child if he is unable to do his "business" on time. If everything succeeded, be sure to praise him.
Pediatricians believe that the optimal age for potty training is from one and a half to two years - before that, the baby simply cannot understand when his bladder or intestines are full.
Dear Parents! Keep in mind that a child's development is an individual matter, and so is the learning process. The child must understand what he wants, he must do it consciously!
Which "toilet" is better? A few tips:
1. Get a plastic pot. When the child will sit down on it, especially at first, the pot should not be cold and cause discomfort. Otherwise, the child may not like the "toilet", and the whole process of training will go down the drain.
2. When choosing a pot, pay attention to the fact that the baby is comfortable to sit on it. Thank God that iron pots have sunk into oblivion and you can freely choose a "toilet" that is financially suitable for parents, and anatomically convenient for a child.
3. Pay attention to the stability of the pot. Think about the safety of the child, otherwise, with any awkward movement, he may fall, bump and, moreover, be frightened. And then he will not sit on it in any case.
4. If you are going on a trip, buy a model with a removable cover.
5. The backrest will contribute to a comfortable sitting on the potty.
Training methods:
1. Plant on a pot only after reaching a certain age.
2. Having shown the pot to a child for the first time, do not try to put the baby on it at once, do not insist.
3. It is recommended to put the child on the potty after each awakening. Standing up, the child will subsequently understand where to sit in order to do his "business".
4. No need to start potty training when a child is sick or teething.
5. If there is an "accident", do not scold.
6. Experts do not recommend stimulating urination with various sounds, such as the sound of pouring water. Subsequently, this can negatively affect at an older age.
Good luck!