Do-it-yourself Developing Panel

Do-it-yourself Developing Panel
Do-it-yourself Developing Panel

Nowadays, few people doubt the benefits of educational games. The child learns to read, count, distinguish shape, color and size with the help of the most natural activity for him - play. Reputable companies are engaged in the production of such aids for preschool children; in stores you can find sets for the development of all the senses. But you can make educational games literally from everything that is at hand.

Do-it-yourself developing panel
Do-it-yourself developing panel

The educational panel will not only help your child improve fine motor skills of hands. It can be an excellent decoration for a nursery, because homemade home furnishings are now in great fashion. Pick up a piece of heavy fabric. Your best bet is to cut open an old, but not faded, drape coat. Cut out a rectangle about 150x100 cm from it. If the fabric is loose, sew the panel around the edge with double-folded braid.

Think about what will be painted on your panel. This can be an illustration for a fairy tale, a view of the city, a flower bed, a vase with a bouquet. The main thing is that the details are of a simple shape and large enough. You will sew some of them onto the base, the rest will be fastened. Cut out the parts you need from colored paper and lay them out on the panel to choose the best place for each.

Trace the contours of the parts with chalk and mark the places for buttons, buttons or hooks. The button will simultaneously serve as the center of a flower or an animal's eye.

Cut out the pieces from the scraps using the paper patterns. The material may not be very dense, but it is better if it does not crumble. Overlock the edges of loose fabric parts. By the way, fragments of such panels can be made of nylon or lavsan. They are generally best cut with a soldering iron. It is very good if you have shreds with different textures. The kid will learn to distinguish between different types of fabric by touch.

Cut and finish the button holes. Sew on the buttons themselves. It's okay if they are different. This is even good, because along the way, the child will be able to compare them in size and select the appropriate loop for each button. Some details can be on buttons, hooks and even Velcro.

Think about where and how you will hang your panel. It can, for example, be nailed to a cabinet wall or panel covering a battery with decorative nails. You can make loops on the back of the panel and hang your creation on a decorative hook. Keep in mind that the hook should be above the level of the child's eyes. The composition can be changed periodically. For example, for a month or two you will have a flower bed, then you will change it to a city or a fairy tale plot. You don't have to alter the base, just sew new figures.
