How Is Paid Childbirth

How Is Paid Childbirth
How Is Paid Childbirth

Today, the expectant mother has the opportunity to choose - whether to give birth to her on a general basis or to sign a contract for childbirth. In case of concluding a contract for childbirth with an insurance company or a medical institution, a woman receives a wider range of services, the ability to choose a doctor herself and comfortable conditions of stay.

How is paid childbirth
How is paid childbirth

Make a choice

Paid services in the maternity hospital are provided after the conclusion of a contract with an insurance company (if the maternity hospital is commercial, then with the institution itself). The insurance company must have a contract with a medical institution for this type of service. The representatives of the insurers must sit in the hospital, where the contract is concluded. Although it happens that the insurance contracts for childbirth concludes, but does not have a representative in the hospital. This option is worse (although cheaper), because for all questions you can safely contact the representative of the insurer. And on the spot it is more convenient and quicker to do it.

It is necessary to conclude a contract for childbirth from 36 weeks of pregnancy. Before that, you will be examined by a doctor, you will be given an ultrasound scan and other procedures will be prescribed if necessary. More often than not, you can now choose a specific doctor who will guide your pregnancy and childbirth. There is an opportunity to give birth with a team on duty, the cost of the contract will be significantly lower. A personal doctor will come to your birth anyway, not even on your shift. From the moment the contract for childbirth is concluded, you will need to come for a routine examination at the invitation of a doctor, at least once a week before the birth itself.

It seems to begin …

When the X hour comes and you realize that you are starting to labor, first of all call your doctor and warn him. If he is not on duty that day, from the emergency room, if your labor activity is confirmed, the nurse will make another call to him, and the doctor will definitely come. You can also call the representative of the insurer if he is in the hospital and warn him.

In the emergency room, present the contract for paid childbirth along with the required documents. Of course, the attitude of the staff towards you will not change instantly. Specifically, they will not receive any money for you. And the conditions of the emergency room often do not allow for personal attention - there is too much turnover of patients (unless, of course, we are talking about a commercial maternity hospital).

If you are giving birth with your husband or mother, after all the procedures you will be taken together to the delivery unit in the hotel delivery room. If it suddenly turns out that there are no separate delivery rooms and you are offered "temporarily" accommodation in two or even in a four-bed delivery room with other women, do not agree. Single rooms can be adhered to by the doctors themselves for their patients. Leave your husband to deal with this issue or call the insurer's representative immediately. After a small scandal, some vacant chambers are immediately magically located.

After accommodation in the ward, the midwife will come to meet you and will do all the necessary procedures and manipulations prescribed by the doctor. The doctor will also visit you, but do not expect that he will sit with you all the time, especially if he is on official duty. When concluding a contract, carefully read what procedures you will be able to do if necessary. So that when you are discharged you do not find that you have to pay extra, for example, for an epidural.

If you are not medically contraindicated, you can practice free delivery behavior. Modern maternity hospitals can offer you the most comfortable conditions - a small pool, fitball, aromatherapy to ease contractions. You do not have to lie on the bed, you can move freely around the ward, be in the position in which you are most comfortable. This, by the way, is one of the advantages of paid delivery. And you will give birth on a transforming bed, you will not have to go anywhere, only close people (husband or mother) and a doctor with a midwife will be nearby. After giving birth, firstly, the baby will be immediately placed on your stomach, and after all the mandatory procedures, it will be attached to your breast. Secondly, after that you will be left alone to enjoy each other.

After the most important

After giving birth, you will be transferred to the postpartum department with your baby. Now the majority of maternity hospitals provide a single ward (less often a two-bed ward) "mother-child". It all depends on the capabilities of the hospital. There are maternity hospitals that offer family accommodation - dad can be with you. In any case, visits to relatives are allowed at the set hours (if there is no quarantine and contraindications for the woman in labor herself). The baby will be with you all the time, the nurse will do all the procedures with you, the gynecologist and pediatrician will visit you every day. Of course, at your request, the child can be taken to the children's department for a while so that the mother can sleep and rest. You have the right to any questions to the medical staff, you must explain the meaning of all the manipulations and procedures with the baby. In some maternity hospitals in paid postpartum departments, women are fed according to a different menu, there are both fruits and dairy products, and meals can be 5 times a day. Discharge from the hospital takes place on the third day (on the fifth after the cesarean section), if the condition of the newborn and the mother is good.

If we briefly formulate what are the advantages of a labor contract, we can highlight the main ones: management of labor by a personal doctor of your choice; the presence of a relative; separate delivery room; free behavior during childbirth; comfortable postpartum ward.
