Should You Opt For Homeschooling?

Should You Opt For Homeschooling?
Should You Opt For Homeschooling?

Some parents decide to teach their child on their own, at home. The debate about the benefits and dangers of homeschooling exists and, perhaps, will always exist. Therefore, before such an important decision, you should carefully weigh all the positive and negative aspects.

Should you opt for homeschooling?
Should you opt for homeschooling?

Pros of homeschooling

… Who knows the child better than his own parents? In schools, it is not uncommon for a child to be unable to immediately master the educational material, for which he receives deuces and reproaches from the teacher and parents. This is how the desire to learn disappears. What is great about home schooling is that the pace of learning and the timing of a certain topic are not so strictly limited, and a parent, knowing his child best of all, will certainly be able to find the right words to explain the material. The emphasis can be placed on objects that are interesting to the child.

Sometimes the child has to go to school. These can be health problems, constant training, religious and political factors. Then homeschooling is the best solution without causing physical or psychological discomfort to the child.

Homeschooling allows you to listen to the individual biorhythms of the child. Parents may choose not to force him to wake up at 6:30 am if this is detrimental to his well-being.

… Parents and the child spend most of their time together: they communicate, make discoveries together, get to know each other better. This brings relatives closer together and makes family ties even stronger.

Cons of homeschooling

… The child just needs communication with peers. Leaving a child for home schooling, it is imperative to surround him with "social" activities: circles, sections, friendships with other families.

… Parents who choose homeschooling take on a huge responsibility. Therefore, first of all, you need to make sure that these roles are suitable for the parents. It is important not only to have a good education, but also to have the traits of a leader and organizer, to be a versatile and well-read person, to be patient with the child's mistakes. If homeschooling is not working, it is imperative to reconsider your decision.

If a child learns alone, then he may have problems with motivation. He can master interesting subjects, but he will be careless about too difficult and not very interesting tasks. After all, no one will do better or worse than him, so why try and be equal to someone else?

… Of course, spending so much time with your child will require one parent to sacrifice their career. Sometimes this can turn into financial problems in the family.

… An individual approach to a child will help him master the subjects to which he “has a heart”, but can negatively affect the passing of standardized tests required for admission to a university. When teaching a child at home, one should not forget about passing the State Examination and Exam.
