How To Have Sex In The Dolphin Position

How To Have Sex In The Dolphin Position
How To Have Sex In The Dolphin Position

It is not surprising that a pose called "Dolphin" emerged. After all, dolphins are the only mammals that make love face to face - just like humans. Such a pose has existed for a long time, according to scientists, "Kamasutra" was written in India in the 3rd century AD - and already there you can see many varieties of this interesting pose.

How to have sex in the Dolphin position
How to have sex in the Dolphin position

The classic version of the Dolphin pose

This position is more suitable for a couple who are passionate about yoga. If lazy sex is not for you, then you can safely combine business with pleasure in the morning - the Dolphin pose will replace gymnastics for you! So, the girl stands on the bridge, rests her shoulders on the floor. The man kneels down facing the girl, tears both her legs off the floor. The girl should raise her legs and, as it were, fix them on the partner's hips, while the partner's hands support the lady by the buttocks. Entry into this pose should be soft, smooth - do without sudden movements. There's nowhere to rush, have fun!

Astrological option

Astrologers, with their sensitive recommendations, try to cover as many areas of human life as possible. Many do not know sex life without the advice of astrologers. For example, astrologers believe that Pisces should practice this pose as often as possible. But at the same time, they somewhat modified it for Pisces.

The couple should lie on their side, the man behind the lady. A woman needs to arouse her partner by swaying her hips. And although real dolphins enter from the front, but for some reason the astrologers decided that here the guy should enter from behind. At the same time, the entire sexual intercourse should not go like this - in the process, either a woman or a guy should be on top of his half. The guy dominates here - he dictates the depth of entry, the rhythm. But a woman, on the other hand, can completely surrender herself to pleasure - in this position, it is easy for a partner to caress her body.

Which kind of pose you like best is a matter of taste. But to add variety to your intimate life, the Dolphin pose will definitely help!
