Sometimes children, copying the model of behavior of adults, are rude, rude and call names. Moreover, this aggression can be directed both at peers and at people of adults - parents, educators, teachers and ordinary witnesses of the situation. It seems to children that this is how they look higher in the eyes of the interlocutor, this is the only way to defend their rights and become significant. The task of parents is to teach the younger generation to solve issues not with the help of force and rudeness, but to seek a compromise and learn to communicate culturally.

Step 1
Always react to any manifestations of rudeness and rudeness directed by your child to any person. Don't let such antics go unnoticed. Children often expect their parents to react to their actions. And ignorance is perceived on their part as permission for such actions.
Step 2
Even if you think rudeness is appropriate in certain situations, define the limits of what is permissible. Children must learn to build respectful relationships with peers and adults. Until children understand this framework, it is difficult for them to understand that it is possible to greatly offend a person with rude words and ridicule. After all, you yourself can become the object of bullying and psychological violence.
Step 3
Teach your child to resolve conflicts without fists and insults. Sometimes for this you just need to keep silent and not provoke the offender to further provocations. Such a position is alien to some of the parents, they believe that it is necessary to fight back, not to be offended. But you can put the interlocutor in his place without rude words and insults, otherwise the conversation may result in a major quarrel and it is not known how it will end. The calmer the child will behave, the less reason the aggressor has to hurt him.
Step 4
Rudeness in adolescents is associated with their desire to show their independence and adulthood. But it is with them that you need to behave extremely tactfully, especially when expressing your reproaches and remarks to them. During the transition period, adolescents need to devote even more time than toddlers. After all, the world of a teenager is very difficult, and you should be aware of his life, but unobtrusively, but sincerely interested. Any disrespect for parents or other people should be dealt with. But not with scandals, but with attempts to understand what actually caused such a reaction.
Step 5
The most important thing in raising a child of any age is parental example. If you yourself allow yourself to be ill-mannered in relation to other people, do not expect that your child will be the embodiment of intelligence. Children copy our behavior patterns, our words and our reactions in different circumstances. Watch yourself in the presence of children. Never sort things out with someone in front of children. Show restraint in controversial and unpleasant situations when it seems to you that the children do not hear you.