Each parent has had a situation when their child uttered a hysterical cry. The child's behavior can be quite inadequate. It can go so far that the baby falls to the floor or starts banging his head against the wall, while he will not feel pain. In order to prevent this from happening, the emotional outburst of the child must be extinguished before it burns out.

The usual word "no" can serve as an impetus for the fact that the child begins to hysteria. But, as a rule, it does not last long. Children with an unbalanced psyche who have neurological disorders are prone to such emotional outbursts. And if you suddenly notice that your child starts vomiting or shortness of breath after a hysteria, this is a signal that you need to urgently show your child to a neurologist.
Children love to work, so to speak, for the public, so they try to get their way in crowded places. And if the parents give in, then the child begins to use this method systematically. If you understand that your child is starting to get angry, distract his attention to something happening around, look at a bird or a passing bus. If a tantrum happens, do not reassure the baby, it still will not work. Step aside and turn away from him. This will be a more efficient way.
Do not punish your child for tantrums, especially in a crowded place. After he calms down, talk to him, find out what caused this behavior. Explain that you love him very much, but that this behavior is wrong. And always stand your ground. If something is forbidden, then go to the end.
The best prevention of such tantrums is when the child gets enough sleep, is always full and comfortably dressed. But it also happens that the child behaves badly in response to the parents' behavior, if they constantly pull at him or quarrels occur in the family, or even worse, if the parents throw out their negativity on their own baby.