How To Deal With Baby Tantrums

How To Deal With Baby Tantrums
How To Deal With Baby Tantrums

Children are undoubtedly a great happiness and an inexhaustible source of joy. However, this is not only a load on the nervous system, but also a gorgeous training for endurance, intelligence and balance of the psyche of parents.

How to get along with our children and resist the storm of emotions of our why - the question has been urgent at all times.

How to deal with baby tantrums
How to deal with baby tantrums

To begin with, it is important to understand one thing - children's scandals and disobedience, most often, an attempt to attract the attention of parents. After all, the whole world of a child is focused precisely on being in the center of this very attention. Why is it so valuable? For a child, at the level of the unconscious processes of the psyche, the attention of the parents, concentrated on him, the beloved, is the guarantor of safety - I will be protected and fed.

And given the fact that parents are more often busy (oh, our, always in a hurry somewhere, time), it is much easier to attract attention with negative behavior than positive. And more often than not, children do not know how to draw this precious attention to themselves in another way, without throwing a loud tantrum or trying to hit the outlet with a plug. Then the attention of the parents will be guaranteed with predictable one hundred percent accuracy!

What should we do if we are faced with this type of childish tantrum? Everything is very simple - if possible, ignore, naturally, controlling the physical safety of the child. What it means: This means that if your child throws a tantrum on the roadway or beats his head with all his might on the floor, it is clearly not worth ignoring in this case.

The main goal of ignoring is for the child to understand that in such a cunning way he will not get the desired result, no matter how many decibels of a noise attack he would not threaten you. Alternatively, the child can be distracted or diverted. Children are very good at switching their attention to what interests them, completely forgetting both the cause of the hysteria and about it itself. And the most important thing is to teach the child other stereotypes of behavior. Positive. Consolidating them with just an excess of that very precious attention that your child so longs for from you.

If you do not become infected with negativity and remain calm and able to analyze the situation, then with consistent behavior you will definitely get the desired result.

And the most important thing in this difficult process of raising your child is not to forget that there is not a lot of love. Isn't it true?
