Some babies fall asleep well only in their arms. If the baby's weight is not too small, then the mother's hands get tired quickly. And the legs also do not rest during motion sickness. There are tricks with which you can quickly and easily get your baby to sleep.

The very first thing that is worth buying for those parents whose baby falls asleep exclusively on their hands is a fitball. It is sold in any sports store, sports departments of large supermarkets, too, they are in stock. It is desirable to choose the largest diameter (65 or 70 cm). Fitball is a large ball for sports. But for a young mother, it will be extremely useful for putting the baby to bed.
The child is taken in his arms in the usual position, in which his mother rocks him to sleep, and sit on the fitball. The swing on the ball is softer and smoother than walking. Children fall asleep so easily and quickly. At the same time, the mother's legs get tired much less.
Ergo backpack or sling
A sling or an ergo backpack will help relieve the hands of a young mother who is rocking a child. Having hooked the baby to her, the mother can swing on the fitball and at the same time calmly watch a movie or listen to music. Her hands will be completely free. In this case, the entire weight of the baby falls on the mother's back. It is important that she learns how to tie a sling correctly. It is better to use the advice of a babywearing specialist or knowledgeable acquaintances of friends. The first times, dad will have to support the child in the process of tying a sling so that mom can calmly do everything right.
With an ergo backpack, everything is a little simpler: it just snaps into place. The backpack must be selected according to the weight and complexion of both the mother herself and her child. Some ergo carriers are more suitable for large babies and tall women, while others are more suitable for skinny mothers. Be sure to try on a backpack with your child before buying and adjust all the straps to the desired size.
Cradle or baby bed with runners
To help a mother, whose child falls asleep only during motion sickness, there is also special children's furniture. For a very little baby, it is a cradle, and for an older baby, a bed with a pendulum. With such a sleeping place, parents will have to teach the baby to fall asleep in bed, it is possible that the child will need some time to get used to it. But in any case, such a child is easier to put to sleep in a rocking cradle or crib with a pendulum.
If mom gets very tired, she needs to seek help from her family: grandmothers, dads. Maybe some of them will be able to put the baby to bed even faster than mom does. Fitball, ergo-backpack and special furniture for children will help to rock the child.