How To Develop A Child At Home

How To Develop A Child At Home
How To Develop A Child At Home

Table of contents:


The modern world is putting forward more and more complex requirements for us. The list of competencies, the possession of which is necessary in a particular profession, is constantly growing. Mobility, attentiveness, flexibility of thinking, solid knowledge - this is not a complete list of what is needed for successful professional activity. The foundation for this is laid at school. Where to start a child's development? What can you do at home before school to make tomorrow's first grader successful?

How to develop a child at home
How to develop a child at home


  • 1. Books.
  • 2. Notebooks with educational tasks.
  • 3. Coloring pages.
  • 4. Colored pencils.
  • 5. Plasticine.
  • 6. Mosaic.


Step 1

Read books! Daily reading of books to the child, and in the future by the child himself, will help:

- development of speech and expansion of vocabulary;

- the development of imagination and imaginative thinking (these are not pictures flickering on a TV screen or monitor, but the work of the brain representing what you read);

- development of the emotional sphere (empathy in fairy tales, stories about nature, etc.);

- the development of memory (recitation of poetry and retelling of the read works);

- development of the ability to listen and hear another person (this is very useful in training).

Step 2

Develop fine motor skills! In preschool age, according to L. S. Vygotsky, "the development of the brain goes hand in hand." The more developed fine motor skills, the faster the brain develops. To develop motor skills you need:

- perform various finger exercises ("Magpie-crow", "Horns-legs", etc.);

- perform tasks with small objects: sort mixed cereals, fasten - unbutton buttons, tie - untie bows, etc.;

- collect mosaics and puzzles;

- sculpt from plasticine;

- to paint pictures (here it is important to monitor the correct position of the pencil in the hand, adherence to the boundaries of the drawing).

Step 3

Expand the horizons of children! By admission to school, the child must know completely the name of him and the parents, the place of work of the parents, the main responsibilities, his address, the seasons and their differences, the names of the months and days of the week, distinguish between fruits and vegetables, name items of clothing, shoes, furniture, dishes, types of transport, household appliances. Know the names of geometric shapes, do not confuse the right and left hands. Be able to name the position of objects relative to each other (right, left, under, above, in front, behind, above, below, etc.). Count from 1 to 20 in forward and backward order, be able to solve simple problems of addition and subtraction. Know children's poets and writers and their works: Mikhalkov, Marshak, Barto, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Ushinsky, Zakhoder, Zhitkov, Oseeva, Prishvin, etc.
